This jam is now over. It ran from 2022-02-04 15:35:00 to 2022-02-13 04:59:59. View 1 entry

Welcome to the first Educational Game Jam!

The Educational Game Jam, is an event where  participants develop and design an educational game in a week. This game can be made in any medium including but not limited to game engines, interactive videos and even on paper! The main goal is to educate others and to make a game that is fun to play. The Educational Game Jam hopes to promote gamification of education and that not all learning has to be boring. This jam is a non-ranked jam, meaning there will be no voting on submissions.

Game jams are an excellent oppurtunity to broaden your horizons and educational games deserve more love.
(If you would like to learn more about education game design please see the resources in the resources tab below.) 

Join our Discord!

The theme will be announced a day before the jam begins, allowing contestents to think about the game they would like to create. The theme is always up to interetation and does not have to be strictly followed, but it does make it more fun!

This Jam's theme is: Formation

We do not want to be too strict with how you want to jam, and therefore the rules are here just to make life easier for those trying to play your game. We highly encourage teaming up but do not be afraid to go solo! Overall the main goal is to have fun and try to teach players something new!

- The game must be playable either in browser or via executables etc
- The game must teach the player (a lesson, skill, etc)
- Have fun!

Art Assets:
Open Game Art
 - For all your game art needs
Kenny Assets - Art assets

Game Engines:
Unity - C# 
GoDot - C#, C++, C, D, Kotlin, Nim, Python, Rust 

About Educational Games:
Precision of Emotion - A GDC talk to steer you in the right direction when designing your game
Games in Education and Gamifying Education- An Extra Credits video about educational games


All submissions
Browser playable (1)

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A multiplayer word game where the objective is NOT to complete the word
Play in browser