This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-11-16 05:00:00 to 2024-11-27 05:00:00. View 13 entries

The Jam where the player learns something!

The Educational Jam is a short unranked jam where (fun) facts are king!
Discuss some obscure tidbit. Showcase your insight about a specific thing, your pub trivia skills, or that Wikipedia rabbit hole you went down last time.

Share knowledge!

Constraints and Rules:

  • Entries should be focused on teaching the player about a concept/event/fact.
  • [Optional] Your entry should be useable in an educational setting (i.e. school).
  • The Jam is open to any program/medium, as long as the piece can be considered Interactive Fiction (i.e. the game is interactive, and its focus is on the text).
  • The Jam is open to any language.
  • You can submit up to 3 entries!
  • You should aim for a 15-30min maximum gameplay.
  • Entries can have NSFW content, as long as it is indicated in your submission.
  • You must credit any asset used in your entry, or it will be removed (ex: code, images, sound, etc...)
  • Entries should not include any generated AI content.
  • Spam or hateful content will be removed.
  • During the duration of the jam and the two weeks following the deadline, the submissions should be free to play.

Possible Softwares to create Interactive Fiction:

Share this Jam on Tumblr (#educationaljam) - Join our Discord - Discuss on the IntFiction Forum

At the end of the Jam, we will create an IFDB page for every entry. The IFDB, or Interactive Fiction Database, is an IF game information catalogue, creating a historical record of the IF landscape. You can also create this page yourself before the end of the Jam!
Contact the organisers for questions or if you'd rather not be included.

You can also opt-in to see your entry submitted to the IF Archive (the entry will be playable from its IFDB page) or submit it yourself!.


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Browser playable (12)
I give my approval to upload my entry to the IFArchive (12)

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An interactive retelling of an ancient Hittite ritual from the reign of Mursili II
Interactive Fiction
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A template for choice-based narratives in Inform 7
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An urban renewal microcosm
Interactive Fiction
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A rundown of Harlowe. Nothing else.
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Mathemtical thought experiment about coping and breaking free
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Deep Lore.
Interactive Fiction
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The sorites paradox, visualised. Entry to Educational Jam.
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Prototype: A dollhouse where you create objects with other objects
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Interactive Fiction
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an educational blow-by. Sines! Cosines! And more!
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a silly way to look at deriving the pythagorean theorem
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