This jam is now over. It ran from 2021-09-01 02:00:00 to 2021-09-15 02:00:00. View results

Welcome to Ender's Jam!

The aim of this jam is to try your best to create a game within 14 days, and practising your game development skills.


The theme is 2.5D. Typically this involves 2D gameplay in a 3D world! Interpret this as you will. Some examples are Little Nightmares and Octopath Traveller.


Originality - Does your game stand out above the crowd? What defining features does it have?

Theme - How creatively did you use the theme?

Graphics/Visuals - Do the assets match the game? Are the artists credited, if the assets are not yours?

Audio/Sound - Does the game have audio? Are the artists credited, if the audio is not yours?


You can work solo, or you may work as a team! There is no limit to team size, but a maximum of around 5 is recommended given the time frame.

Make sure that you credit any artists whose assets you've used in your game! It's ok to use someone else's asset as long as you have the right to use it and that you credit them!

Do not submit any discriminatory or offensive content and do not submit any NSFW content, this is a family friendly zone! Please be civil and respectful to others.

And lastly, you are absolutely, legally (not really) required to have fun! 


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