This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-04-15 12:00:00 to 2023-04-16 12:00:00. View 2 entries

Enigma holder for første gang et 24 timers game jam for studerende indenfor software og spil studerende. 

Der vil være snacks til rådighed, hvis man deltager på uni.

Der vil være mulighed for at deltage i eventet hjemmefra, dog vil temaet for game jam'et først blive udgivet lørdag kl 14. 

Der er ingen krav til gruppe størrelse, assets eller game engine anvendt. Det eneste krav er at koden, til selve spillet, er lavet i løbet af game jam'et.

Eventet er for alle og man behøver ikke at have tidligere erfaring med at programmere spil. Vi vil være tilrådighed på Uni hvis man har behov for hjælp, dog kender vi kun til Unity og Java, så forvent begrænset hjælp hvis I anvender andet.

Aflevering af spil slutter kl 14, og herefter vil der være mulighed for at stemme på hinandens spil. Efter det spiller dommerne de bedste spil, og vinderne vil herefter blive kåret lidt efter kl 16.

Der vil være præmier til vinderne.

English version:

Enigma is organizing a 24-hour game jam for software and game students for the first time.

Snacks will be available for those who participate at the university.

There will be an option to participate in the event from home, but the theme for the game jam will only be released on Saturday at 2 pm.

There are no requirements for group size, assets, or game engine used. The only requirement is that the code for the game itself is made during the game jam.

The event is open to everyone, and previous experience with programming games is not necessary. Enigma will be available at the university to help if needed, but they only know Unity and Java, so expect limited help if you use something else.

Game submission ends at 2 pm, and then there will be an opportunity to vote for each other's games. After that, the judges will play the best games, and the winners will be announced shortly after 4 pm.

The game must be uploaded to, where you must create an account and join the jam at the link below:

There will be prizes for the winners.

Game Jam'et er nu begyndt, temaet er:

Running Out

Held og lykke!

The Game Jam has begun, the theme is:

Running Out

Good luck!

Inspirational prompt from ChatGPT:

Running out of time: Create a game where the player has a limited amount of time to complete a task or solve a puzzle before time runs out.

Running out of resources: Build a game where the player has a limited amount of resources, like ammunition or health, and has to use them wisely to succeed.

Running out of space: Design a game where the player is confined to a small space and has to navigate it carefully to avoid obstacles or enemies.

Running out of options: Create a game where the player's choices are limited, forcing them to think creatively to succeed.


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