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A downloadable game for Windows.
Tile travel is a puzzle and platforming game that combines Top-Down and Side Scroll mechanics in a 3D environment. Currently under development. Any feedback will be highly apreciated and will help us improve the player's experience. Have yo...
A downloadable game for Windows.
Controles P - Abrir y cerrar menú de pausa Movimiento y habilidades: Puedes utilizar un gancho para atraer al otro jugador o atraerte a ti mismo hacia una pared. Con el impulso podrás saltar más alto. Con el pincho de la cabeza , puedes...
Bestematica published a game 3 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
¡Bienvenido cadete! Ha sido seleccionado como gestor de residuos de la nave Prosperity C-302 , su labor consiste en asegurarse de que todos los residentes acatan con las normas de reciclaje aprobadas por el consulado. No escatime a la hora...
jaranlopz published a game 3 years ago
A downloadable game.
Long Term GameJamOn: All systems working, this demo shows some implementation. This build is about taking the first mission note and finding the object related with that note. Apart from that, feel free to explore and see what you A Seed's...
Arcadehead published a game 3 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux.
3d puzzles and exploration game where you´ll have to discover the secrets about a misterious island. This game was created by 4 junior developers while finishing their studies, so even if its not perfect, it shows how much interest and lov...
Javirovi rated a JAMgame 3 years ago
GranJ published a JAMgame 3 years ago
A browser JAMgame made in HTML5.
Con tu ayuda seguro que logramos grandes cosas Buenas noches amigos, cómo muchos sabréis existen aún muchas metas por alcanzar para fortalecer la prosperidad de este nuestro planeta. ¿Cómo podemos desear un futuro prometedor si no actu...
LunosDev published a Master piece 3 years ago
A downloadable Master piece.
Eres la directora de una empresa eléctrica y tu trabajo será tomar las decisiones correctas. Cartas, algo de humor y referencias se unen en un pequeño juego que esperamos que os guste.
Fujen published a game 3 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
SadPug updated a game 4 years ago
A downloadable game.
1 new upload: 1.2 GB
SadPug updated a game 4 years ago
Aaron Trippinaar published a Hellevator 4 years ago
A browser Hellevator made in HTML5.
Hellevator is a mix between Roguelike - HacknSlash - Platformer, where you lift yourself slashing ninjas, and surviving to ambushes trough the Hellish Tower. This is a demo to show some of the levels and the dificulty curve. Technicaly, it...
SadPug published a game 4 years ago
A downloadable game.
Survival Horror level DEMO! In this level you will impersonate a miner in his working hours. Be prepared to escape if you want to survive, you never know what the underground holds... The game is set on the Victorian era, but in a dystopian...
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