This jam is now over. It ran from 2020-03-14 01:00:00 to 2020-03-17 05:00:00. View 6 entries

(Join the Extra Credits Discord! Updates/discussion/etc will be posted here first.

The only way to properly make a jam of game is to jam games into jam jar, stir, and label. Refrigerate and enjoy within 7-10 days.

Let's see, where were we? Ah yes, time for another community game jam, at long last! l Whether you'll be teaming up with other jammers, or you'll go it alone, we're looking forward to see all the awesome games that will get created. We'll update you on various things surrounding this event via itchio emails--click the "join jam" button to get those updates!

Streams! Time to be determined. We’ll keep you posted: No kickoff stream will happen. We hope to do a post-jam stream where we play through games made during the jam, however!

Theme: Out of Print

Genre/mechanic/tool restrictions: None. Just make a game and have fun doing it. Yes, this includes physical games too! (Regardless of what anyone asks or claims: you can not be "wrong" or "correct" in your interpretation of the theme. Make a game in any format and medium you want--weird games are great. It’s time to make something off the wall, that doesn’t need to be great.)

We really highly recommend taking the time to read over the FAQ and general rules [from archive] used in the EC jams, as we’ll be adopting basically all of these rules for this event. It has some great information about how to start your first game, what happens when you’re experiencing issues during the upload process as well as some general questions that come up a lot. As this is a community event run by fans, there won’t be a Games-you -might-not-have-tried video for this - unless you create one, of course ;D                                     

 It might be worth mentioning as well that because of this you shouldn’t contact EC staff about late submission links. If you for some reason are not on the Discord, yet still want to contact us, please write an Email to

Here's the basic summary of what's on that page:

  • Use your best judgement when it comes to re-using assets from the past--make a game inspired by the theme, don't make a game before the jam starts and then re-interpret it to fit the theme.
  • Know your copyright 101 info. Game jams are a great learning experience, but you're still publishing a real game on a real storefront that people could pay you money for, so don't just "borrow" copyrighted assets like you would for a school presentation.
  • We really want everyone to be able to submit their game and we'll work with you as much as we can, but please know that late submission links are granted based on your particular situation/technical difficulties and are not automatically handed out.
  • It's totally okay to submit games that aren't inherently family-friendly/all-ages material (when you upload your game, you'll have a chance to put down any content warnings for players to know about), but don't advocate for discrimination, or other types of hateful conduct or beliefs, in your games.

Challenges are absolutely optional restrictions you can use to have some more things to think around, if you want to make your gamemaking progress a little more exciting! These suggestions were picked from the Discord based on popularity.

extra smol: all code can fit in 1-4 tweets (280-920 char). (From SmallTestTree/Alexa)

Extra Sleep: Get 8 hours of sleep every night of the jam, or at least try to. (From Neil)

Extra lgbt: make an LGBT positive game. (From ProfPille)

extra HOMK: you play as an antagonist(From Goose)

Extra MacGyver: Make a game using only common household objects. (From Mona The Hexadecimal)

Extra Wordless: Use no text at all in your game. (From Autofire)

Got game dev questions? Want to assemble a virtual team? Just want some social outlets during your jam experience? 

You should absolutely join our Discord. It's the most efficient way to contact the game jam coordinators and jammers with questions about your submission, ask for feedback on prototypes and screenshots and is just an overall loving and supporting place to hang out at, so don't wait until the last day to drop in!


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See yourself from another parallel universe!
A game about collecting Ink and Running from Killer Tomatoes.
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More of an experiment in explaining rules without text