This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-04-13 19:00:00 to 2023-04-16 19:00:00. View results

Welcome to EXTREM'S SCRATCH JAM 1! Inspired by kiszur's Monthly Scratch Jam!


You can join the jam discord server here.


  • No NSFW, gore or inappropriate content.
  • All games must be made during the Jam's time period.
  • All games must be fully programmed in scratch.
  • Remix games will be disqualified.
  • Games submitted to the jam must follow the theme and the modification/flavour (more below).


All participants will get to vote on each other's games. However, there is a category that I (extrem) will determine, "Extrem's Picks". The results here are the results that matter.


In this jam, there is (usually) more than just a theme! There may also be a JAM FLAVOUR. If this is the case, then there is another thing you'll need to consider when making your game! It could be any of these:

None - Your typical scratch game jam experience!

Wild card (from Kiszur's Monthly Scratch Jam) - A restriction. For example, if the wild card was "No mouse input" then you wouldn't be able to use mouse input in your game.

Bonus - Basically just a second theme that you need to go by alongside the main theme

Genre - Very simular to wild card in the sense that it is restricting you. This determines the genre of game you have you make.


The theme is...

...Broken Colors!

You can interpret this theme in any way you like! There is no flavour for this jam so don't worry about anything else!

Good luck everyone!


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