Perfect! Great idea, just needs more replay value and longer games.
It feels Pokémon inspired but not like a rip off. The battles were fun and just engaging enough to keep me entertained. Might want to take another look at how some of the monsters are typed, some "Defensive" felt more like attackers.
actually the best game in this style i've ever played. original and interesting
this was a fun journaling experience. i finished the spring season yesterday for a total of 13 diary entries and 5 journal entries. the rules are easy to pick up and the prompts are also easy to weave into one another. this game is a wonderful creative writing exercise!
This a great concept and a fun game, very accessible with enough mechanics and strategy to add some replayability. The only thing I would like is an easier way to track your high score. One of my favourite Pico-8 games so far. Lots of potential if they ever expanded it too.