This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-01-01 00:00:00 to 2024-02-04 20:00:00. View results

Get 2024 off to a flying start by finally finishing that game you've been working on for years.  Welcome to Finally Finish Something 2024!

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Finally Finish Something is a new year's resolution game jam, running for the whole of January.  It's designed to help you finally finish a project you've been working on or thinking about for a long time, and the rules are very relaxed. This is the 8th annual Finally Finish Something, following on from the original in 2017, and the follow ups in 2018,  2019202020212022 & 2023.   People seemed to like the idea of some motivation to finish their games off, and the small community has been positive and helpful in the previous jams.  If you want  to know more, read the extended description below, or say hello on the community tab.

Anyone who has been trying to make games for even a few months will have a project like this - a game you just can't seem to get over the finish line. Maybe you're stuck on that one stubborn programming issue? It could be you've got 75% of the idea but can't bring it all together? Have you practically finished a game and you're waiting for a reason to share it? Perhaps you go back to this project every 6 months, realise how much better you could make it and start again from scratch? You may even be new to game dev, and you need a reason to finish that very first game!

Did you just miss out on submitting a Ludum Dare game or other jam entry?  This jam is a great place to finish and submit another jam game that you couldn't get done for the original deadline.  

Whatever the reason, the Finally Finish Something jam is here to help you. The jam will run throughout January 2024, giving the whole first month of the New Year to get this thing done (plus a little bit extra). Get your year off to a great start, tick something big off your to do list and make a great game! Use the hashtag #FFSjam on Twitter to share your progress.

Rules This jam is all about giving you a reason to finish those stubborn projects, so the rules are very relaxed:

  • Submit any type of game by the end of January 2024, just get that game finished.
  • In fact, your project doesn't even need to be a game. Tools, screensavers and printable board games are all welcome
  • Use any tools you want, there are no restrictions and nothing stopping you
  • It doesn't matter how much work you've already put into the project, use this as the motivation for that final push
  • Work alone or in teams, get help from whoever you need
  • Use any assets that you're legally allowed to use, there are plenty of resources out there if you're struggling for graphics or music

There's  only 1 thing that's not really in the spirit of the jam - submitting a fully completed game.  If you finished a long-running game in December, then that's OK , but if you completed something 6 months ago and just want to use this as promotion, then that's not really why we're here.  Ultimately we probably won't stop you, we're not going to spoil things by enforcing rules.  If you can still look yourself in the mirror and sleep at night then go for it!

Questions! If you have any questions feel free to ask on the community tab of the game jam, we'll do our best to answer them. Some common questions might be:

  • Q: Will there be a ratings phase?
    • A: Yes - Even though there may be many different games with different levels of effort, skill and resources , we think that after finally getting your game finished it will be nice to hear what people think.
  • Q: Did you decide to run this game jam just as an excuse to finish all your old games?
    • A: Yes absolutely!
  • Q: Can I really submit a game that I've been working on for a year?
    • A: Yes, we're looking forward to playing it.
  • Q: Are there any legitimate reasons why I shouldn't enter this game jam?
    • A: None whatsoever.