Be the hero that saves the land from the evil ninjas! I started this project over 1 year ago as just a testbed for ideas I had, there was no real game only code and two scenes to test it out ... and then I didn't touch it for about 8 months...
A turn-based war strategy with tanks where you need to destroy all enemy bases and protect yours. Buy units, collect gold, capture mines and attack enemies. Choose your own tactics and plan every action. The game originates from a board one...
Jovens Detetives é um projeto que visionei em 2014, quando comecei a estudar linguagens de programação (tanto a Renpy, quanto a AIGE, no caso a pwlib) e seria composto de um prólogo curto, mostrando como os personagens decidiram se torn...
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux.
The power goes out. Profound(?) philosophy ensues. Features: Very, very short No choices No art One music track This is more of a test thing than anything else, honestly, but it'd still be cool if you played it
Corgi Snow Day Hang out in your house and stay warm with all the corgis who are wayyyyyyyyyy too short to go out into the deep, deep snow with their tiny little cute adorable stubs. *Butttt you can still imagine what they would look like in...
I don't know why Richey Edwards was in the shower block of the girls dorm after being missing for twenty-odd years. I do know he was bringing down the mood. Play online here .