This jam is now over. It ran from 2022-02-09 08:00:00 to 2022-02-16 08:00:00. View 9 entries

GAME-A-WEEK is a 9-week programme organised & run by Firepit→ Join the Ziscord

GAME-A-WEEK #4 | FEB 9 → FEB 16


(Stop Motion Love by Brittany Bartley)

Care is an interesting word that has a number of peculiar semantic wrinkles. For example: care as a verb has all kinds of connotations; we care for people who are sick or old, a parent cares for their child, and so on, but you can also care about something – an idea, a political movement, a song, a videogame.

We also take care, as well as give care, and the difference between giving care to someone who needs it, versus taking care when we are doing something dangerous or precise, is an interesting one. We also talk a lot about “self-care” which can encompass any number of behaviours and activities, and I think it is very much worthwhile thinking about the kinds of games that you personally play as an act of self-care. The trap here is thinking about one’s comfort games, which I think is the wrong way to go about it; we do all kinds of things to comfort ourselves: eat fast food, sleep in, binge media, but none of those things are really healthy. So I want you to be careful (haha) if you do choose to make a game based on your self-care game, that you don’t just choose whatever you’ve sunk the most hours into, but rather something that you think is healthy for you; beneficial for your mind or soul or body. That is not to say that your self-care game cannot also be whatever you have spent the most time with, but I want to encourage you to take a moment to think critically about whether the games that you spend the most time on are taking care of you, or taking advantage of you.

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be kind to yourself.
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A small non-game that has no games in it whatsoever and whoever or whatever told you otherwise was a liar.
Interactive Fiction
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