This jam is now over. It ran from 2021-11-01 07:00:00 to 2022-01-17 07:59:59. View 8 entries

Near the end of every year, social media posts circulate with word searches that are meant to divine what you can expect from the upcoming year. The first three words that you see predict what will come to you in the new year.

In the First Three Words Jam, instead of predicting your next year, the first three words you see will predict your next game.


  • Make a game based on the first three words that you spot in the word search grid shown below (text version here). Words can be forwards, backwards, horizontal, vertical, and diagonal.
    First Three Words grid
    A 30 by 30 letter word search grid. Text version available in the link.
  • A text version of the grid is available, and IsbenTakesTea has created a word generator based on the words that can be found in the grid!
  • Your three words should be central to the themes and/or mechanics of your game. You decide what "central" means for you and your game.
  • Your game should be a tabletop role playing game, live action role play, or some form of analog role playing game. Supplements and hacks of existing games are welcome!
  • No content that encourages hate, bigotry, discrimination, or harassment towards marginalized groups or identities, including but not limited to racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, antisemitism, or Islamophobia.
  • If your game includes sensitive material, place content warnings on the game page and in the text of the game itself.
  • You are encouraged but not required to put a price on your game. You may opt in to have your game included in a bundle with equal profit sharing after the game jam closes.

Optional Challenges:

  • Incorporate word searches into the gameplay.
  • Focus on themes of transition, passage, divination, or new beginnings.
  • Include your three words in the title of the game!

Thanks to Moss Bosch and Joe Sondow for inspiring this jam with their TTRPG title crossword puzzles during Big Bad Con Online 2021.


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Bloody opulence and moonlight robbery.
No one has ever heard your voice in all the time you have been here. Even so, you continue to call out.
A solo roleplay card game about cooking and hunting.
A solo tarot journaling game about unfulfilled promises
A One-Shot Role-Playing Game
a solo RPG about managing a shop
In a party where you're transformed into your costume. . . what new things will you experiment with?