This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-01-01 06:00:00 to 2024-02-15 05:59:59. View results

FIST: Ultra Edition is a high camp tabletop roleplaying game about paranormal mercenaries doing tough Cold War jobs: stopping disastrous science experiments, infiltrating occult compounds, neutralizing eldritch horrors, and the like. FIST agents tend to be outcasts and misfits with military expertise, but the game isn't about hoo-rah good guys with guns. Players are typically outnumbered, easily killed, and disliked or hunted by most sources of authority. You, a motley crew of underground, underfunded mercenary terrorists, must make ends meet and likely meet your ends fighting this war on an otherworldly front. 

If you work for FIST, you do the missions no one else can do, no one else wants to do, and which no one will let you do undisturbed. You don't have tons of money and gadgets backing you up, just your wits and a few tools. War is hell, and you're one of the little guys. 

FIST is inspired by a slew of classic video games, action movies, and pulp fiction, designed to be simple to play and easy to modify. Primary ancestors include Metal Gear Solid, the A-Team, and Grant Morrison's Doom Patrol. In terms of gameplay, it's its own funky little thing, mechanically descended from John Harper's World of Dungeons, Ben Milton's Maze Rats, and Offworlders, by Chris P. Wolf and Olivia Gulin.

You can browse all previous FIST game jams here:

FIST: JAM OPS IV is here, beginning on New Year's Day 2024 and lasting until Valentine's Day (how romantic)! You have until then to cook up something extraordinary for FIST, and then until February 29th (a very anomalous day) to peruse the entries and cast your votes.

The theme: FINISH LINE. Our main reason for picking this theme is that we've noticed tons of almost-done homebrew FIST projects in the wild. This is your call to finish them, soldier! Make it your New Year's Resolution! Alternatively, we're also yearning in these slow winter months for a white-hot shot of speed - write about a runaway bus rigged to blow or a rough, tough, rocket-powered roller derby league! You might present: 

  • Something you've been working on for a long time before this jam
  • Something you've always wanted to do but never started
  • Something you scrapped and gave up on, yet has salvageable parts
  • Something themed around races (street racing, the Space Race, etc.)
  • Something themed around speed (rules for speedrunning FIST missions, a mission about breaking the sound barrier, etc.)
  • Something themed around finishing (the fall of the Berlin Wall, the completion of the Manhattan Project, etc.)
  • Anything else you want to do, we're not cops!

FIST is licensed under CC-BY-SA 4.0. You can create whatever you want to create with it, no OGL required, and we won't ever stop you or charge you money for it. FIST and homebrew are fast friends. All you have to do is use the same license, so others can chop and screw your work in turn.

  • No bigoted content will be entertained. FIST is set in a fantastical version of the 20th century (similar to Wolfenstein, Metal Gear Solid, and various superhero universes), and oppression is part of the subject matter; handle it with tact and consideration for the impact of your narrative, and remember that bigots and warmongers, fictional or not, are always the enemy. 
  • Please keep your entry free for the duration of the jam and voting period so everyone can see and rate it. 
  • After the jam, whatever you make is yours to sell—you can charge for anything you make that's compatible with FIST, you don't need permission. 
  • FIST is licensed under CC-BY-SA 4.0. You can get the game here: Also, if you bought the BLM, Ukraine, Trans Rights in Florida, or Abortion Rights bundles, you already have FIST! 
  • The FIST compatibility mark (and an thumbnail template with the mark included) can be downloaded here: You don't have to use this compatibility mark, it's just there if you want to! This link also contains all the source files for every FIST Ultra release and a list of fonts used in the books.
  • You can join the FIST Discord sever here:

After the jam is over, everyone who submitted a project will be able to vote for their favorite entry. Each entry can be rated separately for STYLE and SUBSTANCE. Even though it's etiquette to gives games you like a 5-star rating for that sweet algorithmic boost, rate honestly when voting for jams! 1 star is awful, 5 stars is amazing, and 3 is perfectly neutral. The voting period lasts from 2/12/24 to 2/29/24. 

The winner of the jam will receive signed physical copies of FIST: Ultra Edition and the RATIONS Collection, along with a FIST bookmark! We'll reach out to the winner for a mailing address and send your prizes along as promptly as we can.

Thanks for reading and we hope to see your project in the jam!

All the best,



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Browser playable (1)

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A Roleplaying Game about Traumatic Robots
An intimacy mod / trait supplement compatible with FIST
third person survival horror for FIST
a cyberpunk hack of FIST
3 missions for FIST!
Can FIST recover The Mask of Eden from a mobile auction on the Mexican coast?
New traits and weapon tags for FIST inspired by various songs
A one-shot mission for FIST where nothing bad happens in an underground bread factory.
FIST Randomizer. SCVMBIRTHER, but for FIST.
Run in browser
Optional Plot Twist Rules for FIST
basebuilding supplement and playbook for FIST
the world’s greatest roleplaying game meets lead
A FIST Modular One-Shot
3 missions for the FIST TTRPG
Discover the weirdest of the weird in the rusted hull of Ohio.
A missing informant and reports of a strange disease puts FIST on a race to stop a ritual from freeing the MOONEATER.
A Fist Mission with Trains, Tramps and Tickets.
Traits for playing three sizes of hyperintelligent animals in the paranormal mercenary FIST RPG
High Octane High Speed Chopper Action for FIST
Living Anthrax is unleashed in a busy post office. Will a bitter rivalry jeapordize FIST's mission?
Role Playing
A race for control of a (possibly) volatile nuclear warhead in an experimental aircraft graveyard.
A Hack of FIST Ultra Edition for Fantasy Adventuring
Conversion Guidelines from OSR to FIST
90's paranormal investigation TTRPG
A FIST mission with a stolen diamond, an ancient feud and colonialism.