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A downloadable game.
Rhiannon N. Daly published a game 1 year ago
A downloadable game.
THE AGE OF THE HUNTER IS ENDING. It began 20 years ago, when aliens landed in several locations on earth for one day, made no apparent effort to communicate with humanity, and then left. In their wake they left ecological disaster, mass dea...
A downloadable game.
Updated page content.
TetraLlama updated a game 1 year ago
A downloadable game.
1 new upload:
AEGIS Gaze of the Gorgon_230802.pdf 1.1 MB
Jumpgate Games published a game 1 year ago
A downloadable game.
At every hour of every day on Sixaura, the soldiers of each empire are killed and reborn in an endless loop. Their dead bodies derezz, the bonds between their nanos dissolving—just in time for them to be reassembled elsewhere, fresh with...
fruitykingfisher published a supplement 1 year ago
A downloadable supplement.
A short supplement for the FIST: ULTRAJAM, full of thick walls of flavored text. Heavily inspired by Ghost In The Shell. Adds a handful of weapon tags, a few custom weapons, a handful of traits, and items to go along with all of it.
A downloadable game.
"[radio screech] ... FIST? Do you remember me? That thing, the thing that's... that's ... a radio, that's what's talking to you! Press the button, the red thing on the side, press the button and tell me if you... wait, you remember how to t...
Knighthouse Co. published a mission 1 year ago
A downloadable mission.
[KZRRT]— can't wait to meet him. The residents call him a genius, a savior. They say he's going to make the world just like here, a big neighborhood. Where we're all the same. The same values, the same needs. The same face. He's going to...
TetraLlama published a game 1 year ago
A downloadable game.
"If magic actually did anything they'd make it illegal." -Carl Georgian at the Main Point Theater, June 1 st , 1971 THEM: Pass the Anomaly Acquisition Act of 1971 Have Anomalous Energetics been detected by Government Intelligence? ÆGIS, at...
EAT GRASS FOOL published a first course 1 year ago
A downloadable first course.
Get the full FIRST COURSE of F.E.A.S.T., the FREELANCE EXPANSION AND SUPPLEMENT TRIFOLDS: small and simple bits of free unofficial material for FIST by CLAYMORE RPGS , inspired by the (incredible) official RATIONS pamphlets. These were crea...
Arcane Atlas Games published a super ttrpg 1 year ago
A downloadable super ttrpg.
Times are changing. It’s a post-hero world. But they’ve never needed you more. In SUPER you play as a group of powerful vigilantes in a world that turned its back on heroes. Are you discovering a new-found power? Has something forced yo...
Abramie published a game 1 year ago
A downloadable game.
My submission for the FIST ULTRAJAM of 2023. This is an expension on the rules concerning bases in the original game. Because of the deadline of the jam (bad that I noticed the jam so late ) this document is not over, I'm will try to comple...
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