This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-05-14 10:00:00 to 2024-05-28 10:00:00. View results

Welcome Back!!

Introducing a Flax Engine Game Jam - second season, hosted by the Flax Community!

Flax Engine:



The theme for this jam season will be: 

Retro Future

For complete voting history, please follow this link to a Discord post here.


  • Your game must be made using the Flax Engine.
  • Your game must be made during the jam.
  • Your game must not be NSFW. No nudity or hateful text or visual.
    • Violent content requires a tag.
  • There is no limit on team members
    • One submission per game -- if you're on a team, create one submission with one account, and list the other contributors.
  • You can use any preexisting assets or code.
  • You can upload new versions of your game after the deadline, only to fix bugs or support new platforms. New features or content must not be added, so as not to unfairly affect ratings.
  • We recommend that you support at least Windows and Linux. Consider supporting other platforms to increase the amount of people that can rate your game.
  • Anything you make for the Jam remains your own property.
  • Sharing your source code is not required, but you can. Please be careful not to share licensed content.


Games will be rated on the following criteria: 

  • Gameplay & Fun -- How does it feel to play the game? How interesting and engaging is the gameplay?
  • Theme -- How well does the game interpret and apply the theme?
  • Style/Vibe -- How does the game feel? A lot can go into this: art style, effects, animation, story/setting, etc.
  • Innovation -- How much does the game innovate? This can be new mechanics or style elements or just improving or re-contextualizing existing mechanics, style elements, etc.


All submissions
Windows (2)

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Stranded on alien planet in retro futuristic space.