This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-11-01 07:00:00 to 2023-12-22 08:00:00. View 10 entries

Create a TTRPG on the theme of fracture, breakage, and/or repair. Win a cup of coffee!

You can submit games that are active, LARPS, lyric games (mostly meant to be read) or any other small-scale game, and the game can be short -- some of the most fun / silliest / most surprisingly profound games are one-pagers or bookmark-scale or business-card-sized games. Solo, pair, or group are all great.

I'm Radiantfracture (you can call me Frac) and it's my birthday. I would like there to be more small weird TTRPGs in the world. Make my birthday wish come true.

Like Leonard used to sing, "there is a crack in everything / that's how the light gets in." I want to see both the breakage and the light.


  • Physical TTRPGs only. Something you can print and play.
  • The game should be primarily created during the jam. No pre-existing games.
  • The game should be short and straightforward enough to  read, learn and play quickly (say about 2-6 pages, but no hard limits).
    • One-sheet, mini-booklet, zine-size? Up to you
  • No hate, racism, ableism, homophobia, or transphobia


This jam comes with a tiny prize! Up to 3  (three) of my fave games will receive $10 (Canadian) so that the designer can buy themselves a congratulatory coffee.

I'll look at mechanics, playability, scenario/setting, use of the theme, and playfulness / inventiveness.  It's my birthday, so I'm the judge, but I'll also consult with trusted advisors.

Results will be released on December 31st!.

Some Examples of Games I Like

I like spooky games, horror games, and games about feelings. 

  • Ten Candles (beautiful doom ritual)
  • 1000-Year-Old Vampire (roll & write delight)
  • This Vineyard Will Be Our Salvation (quirky, smart, critical)
  • Quietus
  • Pull Me From the Earth (Q&A excellence)
  • Star Crossed / Dread
  • Brindlewood Bay (love the crime-solving mechanic)
  • The Quiet Year
  • Debrief

Other Things I Like in Games

  • Collaborative storytelling
  • Queer & trans content / vibe
  • Solo journalling games, other writing games, other solo games
  • Unusual and / or witty mechanics (esp. physical objects)
  • Low-prep, improvisational games with a few rules to anchor play
  • Games about feeeeelings but also about story
  • Gamification of hard real-life activities or experiences
  • Games with aspects of ceremony or ritual

My Games

I think my most successful games are these, if you want to see the kinds of things I make:

  • You Are a Beacon (solo journalling game)
  • Getting There (2-player Q&A mini-storytelling game)
  • The Fledgling and the Vale (2-player Q&A story game)

Game jam logo photo by Risto Kokkonen on Unsplash


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A cozy solo journaling TTRPG about rehabilitating magical creatures.
tiny solo TTRPG: save yourself and destroy the world, or v.v.?
A solo journaling game. Lie in wait for the hero who will destroy your lair.
A choice doesn't always go as desired.... will yours?
A Tortoise's Whimsical Adventures in History's Aftermath
An Assignment for the Candela Obscura System
A solo, one-page, journalling TTRPG about surviving a monster, using the Second Guess system.
A short TTRPG about conserving objects for the future and how it changes you.
A game about healing.
A one-person journaling game in 13 steps