This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-10-08 23:00:00 to 2023-11-05 00:00:00.
*Not an Official Unreal Engine Game Jam*
So in case you didn't know, the Unreal Engine Marketplace has been giving away select content for free every month since about 2017. I've been collecting it all (save for a few months missed here and there) and probably amassed over £5000 worth of assets over the years. A while ago I was looking at the assets and thinking to myself "could I create 'something' using just the free for the month assets?" And so here we are.
You can find the free assets for each month here: Free For The Month Content
What is Free For The Month Jam?
First off, it's not a game jam (but you can make a game if you want!) It's mainly about experimenting and creating something that accomplishes a singular objective.
An example. The March 2023 assets contained a shader pack, a internal modular house set, an opera house set, a forest creator set and a multiplayer vaulting system. Therefore your objective could be:
The aim of the jam is to not focus so much on game creation but rather a mechanic or understanding how something works. For those of you looking to bolster your portfolio, it should produce a nice little project that you can easily talk about; like what you added, why you did it, what you learnt etc.
My primary reason for wanting to do this is because I have all of these content packs now and they never get used; I want to use them! Also, it will give me more editor experience (as I'm usually just a behind the scenes C++ dev).
The Rules:
The Theme:
Time Limit:
The logo may look odd if you stare at it too long. Bing Image Creator made it for me and I added the UE logos.