This jam is now over. It ran from 2022-11-13 14:00:00 to 2022-11-27 14:00:00. View results


Make a funny game that fits a theme, in 2 weeks! Challenge yourself and learn something new!

Previous Jams:


It could mean whatever you want it to mean, like a metaphor, or just do it directly, the player or something literally destroys everything.


  • Your game and project page must be made during the submission period. If a submission's project page was made before the jam start time, it will be removed from the jam.
  • Your game must be funny. It's the Funni Jam after all.
  • Keep your game appropriate. No NSFW, offensive content, extreme graphic content, etc.  Some blood particle's are fine.
  • Don't update your game during the voting period. If you're game has some bugs, you may need to wait until the jam ends.
  • Getting help from Stack overflow, unity forums, or any kind of platform is not allowed

Important Information

What game engine/framework can I use? You may use whatever you're most comfortable with. Or learn a new one!

What platforms can my submission be in? It preferably needs to be in Windows or HTML because a majority of the people can play on these platforms. You may support other platforms though.

Can I download assets? Yes, as long as you have the proper license for them.

Can I make assets for the game before the jam starts? No, everything original must be made during the jam.

Can I team up with people? Yes. You can have as big of a team as you want!


When the jam starts, everyone will have 2 weeks to make a game. Once 2 weeks has passed, the submission period will be over and it will be time to rate everyone else's games!

The games will be rated in 6 categories: Funniness, Theme, Game Design, Graphics, Innovation, and Audio.

The overall score will be calculated by once the rating period ends (1 week).


If you want to add the Funni Jam #3 logo into your game, you may download the logos here

Have a question?

Ask in the Community Tab or join the Discord server!


All submissions
Browser playable (5)
Windows (6)
macOS (1)

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Destroy killer robots by flirting with them in absurd machine language
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Game made for the Funni Jam #3
If you dont play with cat, cat will crash your home!!!
A game for funny Jam
u uu u uu uuu u u [groovin] A peice of "game" that U wanna kill the author.
A short platformer with baby fingers and finger babies
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a game i guess
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