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Marcos Dominguez rated a slim dungeon game 347 days ago
A downloadable slim dungeon game.
Idle Cartulary published a slim dungeon game 347 days ago
A downloadable slim dungeon game.
SLIMDNGN is a slim ruleset, designed to be run largely from my head. UPDATE!!! Now three documents, including a CORE rules pamphlet for the referee, 36 class sheets (plus spell lists for some classes) for players, and a designer's commentar...
Cosmic Sorcery Society rated a LO-FI QUESTING RPG 348 days ago
A downloadable LO-FI QUESTING RPG.

Fantastic take on the Grail Quest in an easy to run/play 24XX style. 

Kirt Dankmyer published a LO-FI QUESTING RPG 348 days ago
A downloadable LO-FI QUESTING RPG.
Build Your Campaign! Unlike most 24XX games, this game specifies a campaign structure rather than a particular setting. The setting is slotted into the structure, leaving room for a lot of variety and for different “vibes” while continu...
Andy Pressman published a game 349 days ago
A downloadable game.
A roleplaying game about ghosts who break into the living world to steal back what's rightfully theirs. Echo of Ghosts is a lightweight game with everything needed on two sheets, including rules, character creation, and scenario hooks. It w...
blindink published a game 349 days ago
A downloadable game.
A portal to hell has opened, and must be closed from the other side. This is the only way to stop the onslaught of demons that is ravaging the earth. No human can withstand the infernal hellscape, and so we have built an army of robots that...
DINO♥JAM rated a journaling game 350 days ago
A downloadable journaling game.
Kirt Dankmyer rated a scenario 351 days ago
A downloadable scenario.

Creepy, funny, surreal. Amazing.

blindink rated a scenario 351 days ago
A downloadable scenario.

Incredibly cool adventure concept with beautiful art. High concept, very excited to run this one

Francisco Lemos published a scenario 351 days ago
A downloadable scenario.
A strange organic spacecraft was recently found. A group of scientists, equipped with multiple devices, is delving into its bowels to map it and collect samples. As they go deeper, she starts awakening. One page sci-fi scenario System neutr...
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