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Crazy FarmView game page

Rotate Your World to Navigate Your Farm!
Submitted by jhojiebaliwas — 2 hours, 43 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Adherence to Theme#24.3334.333
Art and Audio#24.0004.000
Innovation and Adherence to the Challenge#33.6673.667
Fun Factor#72.6672.667

Ranked from 3 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Judge feedback

Judge feedback is anonymous and shown in a random order.

  • Audio can be quite annoying. Spin mechanic feels shoehorned in, and all tasks are done and achieve the same thing so gameplay feels repetitive and tedious. Ultimately, there's not much strategy involved. Nice level of polish for a two-day jam but unfortunately has lots of design flaws.
  • The game is gorgeous. It has the look and feel of a polished mobile game. However, it suffers from a lack of variety and mechanics. The game art looks consistent and professional. Elements are easily recognizable and pop out. The background music is nice and adds to the atmosphere and the sound design adds immersion. However, the sound design is a bit too much during the action events with the laughter and the consistent ringing noise. The gameplay was fun at first but gets stale very quickly. It would have been better if there were unique mini games for each task. I couldn't get to the Night Time section of the game because the action events simply take too much of my time for little reward and the timer stops whenever your are doing them. You also can't just wait for Night Time because your health depletes constantly. I think the health depleting mechanic could just not be included in the game because at the moment it just prevents players from exploring other parts of the game. But I do think that this concept has a lot of potential. It's easy to pick and play with one hand and has a lot of appeal. I would love to see how you would develop this concept.

Game Title
Crazy Farm

Game Cover/Thumbnail

Game Description
Crazy Farm is an exciting farming adventure where players need to rotate the game world to navigate through their farm. Complete various tasks to avoid HP drain and keep your farm thriving. During the day, engage in labor to gain health points or harvest crops to collect coins. At night, defend your farm from wolves to protect your resources. Strategize and manage your farm efficiently to gather as many coins as possible and become the top player in this unique and dynamic farming experience!

Game Screenshots

How to Play
- To move your character, click the left or right side of your screen with your mouse, or tap the corresponding area on your touchscreen device. this action will direct your character to move in desired direction, providing intuitive control for navigating through the game environment.

- During the daytime, there are two types of tasks players can do: labor and harvest. In labor, players gain health points, and in harvest, players gain coins. Health points are required for the game to continue; without them, the game will be over. Coins are recorded to determine the top players.

-In order to perform an action, players need to click or tap the character. Then, a task gauge will appear. Players need to keep the task icon inside the green zone. To rotate the green zone clockwise, players need to hold click or hold tap, while to perform a counterclockwise rotation, players need to release the click or tap.

-During nighttime, the only task for the player is to defend their farm from the wolf. Failing to defend causes farm objects to turn gray, and players will be unable to use them the next day.

Downloadable link to download the game

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