This jam is now over. It ran from 2021-01-21 07:00:00 to 2021-01-24 22:00:00. View results

Welcome to the first Game jARM Norway!

The theme is "You only have two minutes".

This game jam is hosted by ARM Norway and is open to all University students located in Norway.

The goal is to make a game in C/C++ for the Pokitto mbed portable console in a weekend.

All participants rate each other and the winner gets a real Pokitto console as a prize. The Pokitto console will be bought after the winner is declared to allow her/him to choose the color and to send the prize straight to her/him address (to avoid face to face delivery due to covid-19).

You can find instructions on how to make and compile Pokitto games at

If you want to try the command line interface, you can build your own Pokitto ready container with (or use the commands straight in your Ubuntu installation).


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The sun sets in two minutes... how many frogs can you seduce?