This jam is now over. It ran from 2021-12-03 09:00:00 to 2021-12-17 22:00:00. View results

The game jam will start at 9:00 on Friday, December 3rd and end at 22:00 on Friday, December 17th ✨

These dates were decided with both our industry folks and students in mind - industry peeps, we recommend you use the first weekend to work and submit in the first week as we know your work ramps up in mid December. Students - we will be looking forward to your submissions in the second week, after your exams are over. We HIGHLY recommend cutting scope wherever possible. The best game jam games deliver on a simple idea and mechanic. If you want to work throughout the entire 2 weeks, we can of course not stop you - but we don't recommend it.

The theme is JUICE! You are free to interpret the theme any way you want.

Starting right after the jam ends on Friday evening, December 17th, we will open a vote for the best jam submissions. The winner will be announced at 16:00 on Sunday, December 19th. The winning submission will receive 3x $50 Steam Gift Cards as well as a jar of the most magnificent Game Jam. 

Everything is totally digital / virtual! There is no physical meet-up involved, so this means that EVERYONE can participate, yes also our community members who don't currently live in Iceland. You can use the #gamejam and #lookingforgroup channels on the GMI slack to stay in touch with each other, find a group to work with, and share your progress throughout the jam.

All engines, third-party assets, and your own old assets are permissible!

You will have to submit to the jam page before the end of the jam for your game to be a valid submission. 


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Spray your way to the finish line in this gooey 3d puzzle platformer. Do you have what it takes to ride the juice?
Build your juicing empire!
Juice is life, juice is color, juice is music
A simple game of hangman.
Collect the rotten juiceboxes and throw them in the trash!
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A short projectm ade for
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make juice out of mushrooms
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Your own Juice Start-Up!
Card Game