This jam is now over. It ran from 2021-08-13 08:00:00 to 2021-08-15 08:00:00. View results


联合主办方:Project GC

Project GC游戏社群,GC是英文“Game Changer”的简称。创办于2020年8月,以“复兴中国原创好游戏,用中国游戏向世界讲好中国故事”为使命,GC社群成员目前包括上千名来自中国大陆和世界各地的青年游戏制作人。创办以来,GC承办了多场大型青年及学生群体的游戏论坛,大赛,开发活动;已与全球100+所高校学联、游戏制作人社团建立合作关系。
公众号:Project GC

G4G(Game for Good)是一个游戏正向价值的探索者。我们热爱游戏,也相信游戏将成为未来社会人们思考表达和交流互动的重要媒介。我们一路上不断地寻找志同道合的伙伴,一起研究前沿理论、一起开发好玩又有意义的「游戏 +」,一起为游戏正向价值发声。Game for good, we are the game.

上海市网络游戏行业协会(英文名称 Shanghai Online Game Association,简称 OGA),成立于2016年11月26日,由上海市网络游戏企业自发组成,是实行行业服务和行业自律管理的非盈利性社会团体法人。



Game For Good Game Jam is a philanthropic-themed 48-hour game development competition that has gathered 250 game creators from around the world. This event invites participants to create fun and engaging games with the lofty goal of making the world a better place.

Co-organizer: Project GC

Project GC, short for Game Changer, is a gaming community established in August 2020. With a mission to "Revitalize original Chinese games and tell Chinese stories to the world through games," the Project GC community consists of thousands of young game developers from Mainland China and across the globe. Since its inception, Project GC has organized numerous large-scale forums, competitions, and development events for youth and student communities and has established partnerships with over 100 universities and game developer associations worldwide. 

WeChat Official Account: Project GC

Official Website:

Co-organizer: G4G Philanthropy Platform G4G (Game for Good) is an explorer of the positive values in gaming. We are passionate about games and believe that they will become a significant medium for thought, expression, and interaction in future societies. We continuously seek like-minded partners to research cutting-edge theories and develop fun, meaningful 'Games +', advocating for the positive values in gaming. Game for good, we are the game.

Guiding Organization: Shanghai Online Game Association The Shanghai Online Game Association (OGA), established on November 26, 2016, is a non-profit legal entity comprising online gaming enterprises from Shanghai. Operating under national laws, regulations, and policies, the OGA aims to standardize the management of online gaming enterprises, promote orderly industry development, enhance technical standards, safeguard legal rights of enterprises, and strengthen industry collaboration and communication.

Host: G20 Young Entrepreneurs' Alliance (G20YEA) Comprising large youth entrepreneurship organizations, innovative entrepreneurship platforms, and outstanding young entrepreneurs from G20 member countries, G20YEA primarily focuses on innovation, international industrial cooperation, and the development of the global young entrepreneur community. The international secretariat is located in Toronto, Canada.


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