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teamdefault published a game 4 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows and Linux.
Farm Redemption is a puzzle game that centers around a band of farm animals yearn to escape and live a life of freedom. Play handcrafted puzzles that are challenging yet pleasing tackle. You can switch between different game characters, eac...
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Android.
TIME VULPES Temas: local super heroes, protetores da natureza Diversificadores: cuide de você, corre-corre #G4C #diversity #hypercasual #mobile Anderson Alvarenga: programador, pixel artist, Engine: Godot Belo Horizonte/MG - Brasil ##TUTOR...
Isabelly Rohana published a game 4 years ago
A downloadable game.
O jogo "Do Not Disturb" é um jogo 2D de terror. Criaturas oriundas de mitos e lendas urbanas da Amazônia surgem em lugares assombrados. Lara se depara com um cenário de mistérios sobrenaturais e precisa vencer seus medos mais remotos pa...
rcgamescr published a game 4 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
This game requires a virtual device of oculus We present a virtual reality game for oculus in which one finds himself in a post-apocalyptic world where the earth was terraformed by the reptilians and one must find a way to survive and start...
bumblebeelk published a game 4 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
the theme is local super heros. the game is about the rawana flying his flight called "dadumonara". this is like a flappybird game. In the game you have to pass the obsticals without crashing with them. that is the level one and after you p...
firenationlk published a game 4 years ago
A downloadable game.
Rescue the sea from oil spills from a defunct ship
ChristianNomena published a game 4 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux.
Animals should be protected, together we can do it. Switch control between the brave little monkey and the hero. Solve puzzles and rescue the captured animals.
DedSeclk published a game 4 years ago
A downloadable game.
El camino which means “The way” is a multiplayer social deduction prison breaker game where the player has to dodge and escape through the prison without being caught into the police (enemies vision/Line of sight) and making your way to...
RuiXarez published a game 4 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows. Theme: I want to be free! Diversifiers: - inclusive narratives through representativeness - Meta-metalanguage #Adventure #PuzzleGame #PC
A downloadable game.
This is a Zen type Unconventional puzzle game where you are chained spaceman and you have to solve puzzles while having limited distance to move as you are chained.
Stephanie Fay published a game 4 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux.
Tema: Mitologia Brasileira Diversifiers: Prazo Contado, É de Todo Mundo Categoria: #PC Participantes: Stephanie Fay - Developer Thiago Lages de Alencar - Developer Lucas Hardman - Developer Engine: Godot Cidade: Rio de Janeiro
yannem_m published a game 4 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Tema: Protetores da natureza Diversificadores : Recortar e Colar e Hyper Casual #hypercasual #PC Time: Gustavo Gonçalves Borges - Sound Design, Recife - PE - Brasil Lukas Henrique Braga Dias - Programador, São Luís - MA - Brasil Rafael S...
pedrompf99 published a Flying Lion 4 years ago
A downloadable Flying Lion.
O tema escolhido foi “I want to break free”, pois queríamos explorar a liberdade e autencidade de qualquer pessoa, encorajando todos a serem quem são apesar dos inimigos e dificuldades que pode encontar pelo caminho. Representando ess...
XCODELK published a game 4 years ago
A downloadable game.
The game story realized on ancient Brazilian village captured by mythological creatures. A local hero called Romulus comes to save the villagers and killed the creatures. Dark Era is an online multiplayer game. 5 players can play the game a...
vazor rated a game 4 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.

Good presentation and audio. I couldn't bring myself to click and drag the 100th time though. XD

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