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LuaXD published a game 4 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows. above is a complete version of the game. We accidentally forgot to add the last two scenes to the build settings! It's an awful tiny mistake, because it wil...
lifealchemist published a game 4 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
For Chrome Users having difficulty loading the game, please ensure the "Use hardware acceleration when available" option is turned on in settings. Controller Compatible Actions - Jump (Space) - Activate Switch (Enter) - Pause (Escape) - Mov...
JGM117 published a game 4 years ago
A downloadable game.
Multiplayer game for 3 to 5 people Note: For an error the zip file contains two .exe, one is an older version, you need to launch the one named KillTheKari.exe and ignore the other one. Controls W,A,S,D for movement. Click to kill and E to...
derupe updated a tecnotupa 4 years ago
A downloadable tecnotupa for Windows.
Updated page content. Added platform Windows.
Leonardo Ribeiro published a game 4 years ago
A downloadable game for Android.
Equipe - Time d6: Ana Naykindo - UX / Plano de Negocio Leonardo Ribeiro - Gerente de Projeto / Animador Matheus Lisboa - Modelador 3D / Programador Rafhael Lima- Programador David Araújo - Sonoplastia Existe um mini game no fundo do cenár...
TanLi published a game 4 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Tema(s) escolhido(s) (1 ou mais): I want to break free, mitologia brasileira e Protetores da natureza Diversificadores escolhidos (2 ou mais): Em aberto e Um ciclo sem fim Participantes: Flávio Luz (Artista), Guilherme Pinheiro (Game Desig...
A downloadable game for Windows.
Added platform Windows.
A downloadable game for Windows.
Temática: Inclusión de genero/quiero ser libre importancia de participación femenina Lista de Diversificadores Game design: -Círculo sin fin: La muerte no es el final, es una importante mecánica para la progresión en tu juego. -Tu pro...
Michel Lacerda published a game 4 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Pitch: Youtube Tema: I want to be free Diversificação: Cuide de você!, Um jogo só seu, Zero Código Categorias: #pc Produção: Michel Lacerda, Arthur Alves e Aron Castro Engine: Unreal Engine 4.25.3 Sinopse: Presa em uma caverna, Auror...
Sapolioo published a game 4 years ago
A downloadable game.
Podrás sobrevivir la noche para rescatar a tu amada? #ABV #GJPLUSLAPAZ #CírculoSinFin #LaTeoríaDelMultiverso #VariacionesBajoUnEquipo #CortaYPega #Sacrificio
Herzio published a Kjotsuñi 4 years ago
A downloadable Kjotsuñi.
Theme: Latin American mythology. Diversifiers: Mix it all up, Inclusive narratives through representativeness, Code ZeroZero, Count on me. Cathegory: #Diversity, #Pc Controls: WASD: Movement Right Click: Heavy punch Left Click: Light punch...
Manuel.Soruco published a game 4 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
A game made for the 2020 Game Jam Plus. Try to scape from the depths of a infested cientific instalation. THEME: I want to break free. DIVERSIFIERS: Meta-metalanguage Endless circle TEAM: Programming: Juan Carlos and Felipe Porcel Música a...
Anstayker updated a game 4 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Updated page content. Added platform Windows.
Daylive published a game 4 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
The expedition to the farm It tells the story of a person who traveled to another planet and who creates a farm with his resources from abroad, where he tries to find a way to give life to the planet and show that it was possible. This game...
A downloadable game for Windows.
Have you ever Wondered what Would Happen if the Overcooked characters had to work as postmen? It's Mail Time is a postman game focused on multiplayer inteeraction in the middle of Chaotic Scenario, the players will have to cooperate to be a...
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