This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-10-27 09:00:00 to 2023-11-06 13:00:00. View 361 entries


Please, check the directions below, and enjoy the jam!

The Jam

The event will start on Friday, October 20th, and in the opening it will reveal the themes. Each venue will choose their time to start, and usually it’s between 6pm and 7pm of the local timezone, so be sure to stay tuned to it;

The deadline to submit the game build is 11:59 pm on October 22th, on the local timezone;

The deadline to submit the pitch is until 48 hours after the end of the event. The local organization might set a lower deadline, and the local decision will prevail on this topic. Still, the official form will be closed at 11:59 pm on Tuesday, October 24th, local timezone;

To be considered valid, the submission of both pitch and build must be made at the official form before the Pitch’s deadline; 

Game projects must be developed exclusively during the first stage of GameJamPlus, and may be disqualified if it is discovered that they started production earlier.


The first stage needs a functional Build and a Pitch of the game. We understand that both will still be improved, and since the Jam has a lot of new studios and people participating, we suggest that the pitch follow this guidelines in case the team don’t have much experience building it:

The game pitch must be about 3 to 5 minutes;

Present the game itself, with a description and its gameplay.

Point what makes your game different (hooks) 

Present the target audience;

Present the expectation of the roadmap (no need to be 100% accurate now);

For the following Stages, besides Build and Pitch it will be requested also material for the Categories and graphic material for social media (logos, game prints, recordings of the gameplay,  team social media tags, etc.);

Submission platforms and links.

The submission to the event will exclusively be accepted to the competition if made on our official Form (yet to be shared), even if the local organization has an alternative way of collecting entries. The  form will only accept the format of links, according to the following instructions:

The game build must be uploaded on the platform;

The game pitch must be uploaded on Youtube;

Both links must be submitted at the GJ+ Official Form to validate the global entry.