This jam is now over. It ran from 2022-01-31 12:00:00 to 2022-03-24 23:59:59. View 12 entries
We want to see the most innovative games you can come up with, but we’ll be judging them on the following categories which are awarded prizes.
Gameplay: We’re looking for the most original concept, excellent storytelling and enjoyable gameplay
Design: Design elements will be judged from sound, art style, graphics and technical quality
Social Impact: With purpose at the game’s heart, we’re looking at games that tackle difficult issues, for example, promoting environmental sustainability or looking at how to make the game more accessible
Epic Unreal Choice: Games designed using the Unreal engine
Unity Choice: Games designed using the Unity games engine
Eligible submissions will be judged by a panel of industry experts from the world of game development, publishing and esports.
Judges will assess submissions based on the criteria below so make sure to consider these carefully when planning your project:
As is often the case, you might not quite finish your project. If this happens, submit what you can and try to show the judges your vision for the finished project.
The NSE Games Innovation Challenge is intended for UK university and college students. However, we recognise that you may want to include friends that are not studying. To be eligible to participate in the challenge contest, the majority of your declared team, as well as your nominated project lead, must be currently enrolled at a recognised UK higher education provider.
For the avoidance of doubt, you don’t need to be studying any specific course or be attending the same university as your teammates provided you meet the above criteria. If you don’t meet these requirements we’d still love to see your creations but unfortunately, you won’t be eligible for prizes.
If you have any questions about your eligibility you can reach out to
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