This jam is now over. It ran from 2017-01-08 17:00:00 to 2017-01-17 11:25:00. View 29 entries
GDQ is a black hole of attention, a singularity of productivity. Despite my best efforts, I always seem to spend the whole week doing nothing but watching strangers play video games.
Here's my last desperate attempt at salvaging a GDQ week. I humbly accept that I'll spend 168 consecutive hours staring at video games — but if I try really hard, maybe I can also make a video games.
Time starts when AGDQ starts, and ends 24 53¼ hours after AGDQ ends.
This is extremely un-serious and low-pressure, so it's a good excuse to try out an engine or platform or library you've never tried before. Or make a game if you've never done that before.
It doesn't even have to be a video game! Design a board game, or a card game, or a fantasy sport that can only be played by dragons. Just don't stare slack-jawed at Twitch the whole time. Drag some inspiration, kicking and screaming, out of that constant firehose of flashing lights and strange gamer memes.
If you need a theme, I heartily encourage something ironic, like hard to speedrun or self-playing or it's Eevee's birthday on Thursday.
Do you mean "hard to speedrun" like Super Metroid (high ceiling), Yugioh FM (mostly RNG), Mario Galaxy (very long), or Galaga (auto scroller)?
Q: I would love to participate but I have a job and/or school!
A: Okay but I better not catch you marathoning speedruns for sixteen hours
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