This jam is now over. It ran from 2022-03-28 10:00:00 to 2022-04-04 12:00:00. View 20 entries

Games Now! Online Jam #6: Neighbours Game Jam | March 28th to April 4th, 2022

Games Now! Online Jam #6 continues our series of online jams with multicultural focus. This time we will celebrate our neighbours and relatives around the globe! As previously, also this time we will have experienced game professionals giving lots of tips and tricks in the beginning of the jam - now from four countries! Finnish Arvi Teikari (Hempuli), Swedish Martin Jonasson (grapefrukt), South Korean Sun Park (Turtle Cream) and Japanese Masafumi Onuki (Fight Crab) will keynote the jam on 28th March 2022 and they will also review their favourite jam games at the end of the jam on 4th April!

Games Now! (게임즈 나우!) 온라인 게임잼 #6에 오시는 것을 환영합니다! 이번 온라인 게임잼 행사도 다문화(multicultural)에 집중할 예정이니 기대해주세요. 이번 게임즈 나우! 온라인 게임잼 #6는 우리 주변의 이웃 국가들과 함께 게임을 만들어보는 문화교류의 장으로 구성될 예정입니다. 3월 28일, 오프닝 강연에서는 총 4개 국가의 게임 전문가들로부터 게임 개발 팁과 노하우를 들어봅니다. 강사진 구성: 핀란드의 Arvi Teikari님 (Hempuli), 스웨덴의 Martin Jonasson님 (grapefrukt), 대한민국의 박선용 님 (영문 이름 Sun Park) (Turtle Cream), 일본의 Masafumi Onuki님 (Fight Crab). 이후 4월 4일, 클로징 강연에서는 강사진들과 함께 참가자들의 게임을 플레이 & 리뷰하며 마무리하는 시간을 마련할 예정입니다.

Games Now! (ゲームズナウ!)オンラインゲームジャム#6は、多文化に焦点を当てたオンラインゲームジャムです。第6回目となる今回もまた、世界中の隣人や親戚を祝福します。前回同様、今回も経験豊富なプロのゲーム開発者がジャムの冒頭に登壇し、参加者に数多くのヒントを与えてくれます! 今回のスピーカーは4ヶ国にわたります。フィンランドのArvi Teikari(Hempuli)、スウェーデンのMartin Jonasson(grapefrukt)、韓国のSun Park(Turtle Cream)、そして日本の大貫正文(Fight Crab)です。スピーカーは2022年3月28日に開催される基調講演に登壇し、4月4日の閉会式でゲームをレビューします!

The jam will be jointly held with the collaboration with the Game Contents School at Chungkang College of Cultural Industries (South Korea), Södertörn University (Sweden), Ritsumeikan University (Japan) and Aalto University (Finland).

You can join the jam, regardless of whether you are enrolled in the courses - the jam is open for anyone interested to participate and it is free of charge. Just bring yourself and your love towards your neighbours and global jam relatives!

We will kick-off each jam with a 2 hour talk show on our Twitch-channel:

##################### Schedule #####################

  • Kick-off talk show: 28th March 2022, 13:00 -15:00 (EEST) / 12:00 - 14:00 (CEST) / 19:00 - 21:00 (KST, JST) / 10:00 – 12:00 (UTC) @
  • Brainstorming and teaming exercise: 28th March 2022, 15:00 -16:00 (EEST) / 14:00 - 15:00 (CEST) / 21:00 - 22:00 (KST, JST) / 12:00 – 13:00 (UTC) @GN! Discord:
  • Progress reports and help throughout the week, at GN! Discord:
  • Submission deadline: 3rd April 15:00 (EEST) / 14:00 (CEST) / 21:00 (KST, JST) / 12:00 (UTC) 
  • Review talk show:  4th April 2022, 13:00 -15:00 (EEST) / 12:00 - 14:00 (CEST) / 19:00 - 21:00 (KST, JST) / 10:00 – 12:00 (UTC) @

##################### Speakers #####################

Arvi Teikari, Hempuli, Finland

Arvi is a Finnish game developer. A lifelong desire to create led him first to drawing and painting and later to game design. One of his greatest interests as a game developer is to create experiences that surprise or otherwise evoke emotion in the audience, be it through a relatable structures or unusual design. Preferring to make things quickly and not dwell on details, game jams have become a very important part of his identity as a game developer.

Martin Jonasson, grapefrukt games, Sweden

Martin Jonasson, grapefrukt games, Sweden

Martin Jonasson has been making games for over fifteen years with his company grapefrukt games, which consists of exactly one guy, Martin. He got into game making in a big way around the time of the experimental gameplay project and still uses that same methodology; Making a bunch of small games to see if a concept works and then build upon the ones that do. Martin has created such games as holedown and rymdkapsel. Martin is based in Malmö, Sweden

Sun Park, Turtle Cream, South Korea

Sun Park, Turtle Cream, South Korea

Sun Park is an indie developer based in Seoul, South Korea. He founded the independent game studio Turtle Cream in 2009. He has directed several games, including Sugar Cube: Bittersweet Factory and 6180 the moon. Since 2016, he has led the developer crew Project.99, a group endeavor to make experimental games every month. He is a co-organizer of the experimental game festival Out Of Index and organizes other indie events like GGJ, Seoul Indies, etc.

Onuki Masafumi, Calappa Games, Japan

Onuki Masafumi, Calappa Games, Japan

Onuki Masafumi is part of the indie game studio Calappa Games. After working as a programmer for Ryu ga Gotoku Studio of SEGA Co., Ltd. for 5 years, Onuki became an independent game developer. Now Onuki is making action games with the motif of sea creatures. Onuki’s masterpieces are Fight Crab and Ace of Seafood, and he is great at designing competitive games.

名前:大貫 真史 (オオヌキ マサフミ)
インディーゲームデベロッパー「Calappa Games」代表。
代表作:「Fight Crab」「Ace of Seafood」

##################### Hosts #####################

Annakaisa Kultima, Aalto University, Finland

Annakaisa Kultima, Aalto University, Finland

Annakaisa Kultima is a postdoctoral researcher at Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture in Finland. She has been teaching and studying game design and development since 2006 in several universities in Finland and Sweden as well as traveled as a visiting lecturer around the world including universities in US, China, Denmark, South Korea and Japan. Her research is concentrating on game development cultures, creativity, game industry trends, as well as game jams. Kultima’s PhD dissertation “Game Design Praxiology” examined the multitude of issues of understanding ‘games as created’ including game jam cultures. Kultima is also an active member of the game ecosystem in Finland and internationally: she is working as a judge in several game competitions, running and participating in game jams (almost 50 game jams so far!) as well as curating exhibitions on games. She has been leading Global Game Jam theme committee and been the regional organizer and site organizer for Global Game Jam for many years. She is also a member of the founding team of The Finnish Museum of Games as well as the co-founder and the head of non-profit organization Finnish Game Jam between 2013-2020. At Aalto University, Annakaisa works on the Games Now! open lecture series carefully picking the most interesting topics and speakers to the series.

Solip Park Aalto University, Finland

Solip is a doctoral student at Aalto University School of Arts, Design, and Architecture - Department of Arts and Media, with her current research interest is focused on digital game production, work culture, and immigrants/expats. Solip is the author and artist of "Game Expats Story" comic series, while currently acting as a member of the board and Graphics/Arts Team Lead at Finnish Game Jam Ry and Management Team Lead at Korean Student Association in Finland (KOSAFI Ry). She is working with the Embassy of Republic of Korea (South) in Finland, leading their "Kor-Fin Esports Festival" and "Kor-Fin Special Game Week" projects - connecting game devs in Finland and South Korea.  Solip was once the first South Korean to acquire Finland's startup entrepreneur residence permit in 2018. She was one of the founding members of Nexon Computer Museum - the first permanent museum in East Asia dedicated to the history of computer and video games, located in South Korea.


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Your neighbour is a wizard and you're his loud neighbour!
A game of cat-and-mouse through the cities of Europe
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Find all the sounds and explore the neighbourhood!
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Solo project.
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Explore the neighbouring cities of the East and West!
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Mini metroidvania, gain abilities to interact with animals
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Colorations is a simple set collection game about collecting colors and completing sets of colors.
A simple connect-the-dots puzzle game
A game made by multiple developers as the project travels from developer to developer
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Do you have the perception genes necessary for this DNA matching puzzle game.
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Traverse the sky to reunite old friends
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New cultures enriches the mind, heart and soul
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Connect 4 alternative mechanics
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A short murdery mystery story made in the span of 5 days for the Aalto Game's Now Jam #6.
Interactive Fiction