This jam is now over. It ran from 2022-11-14 13:00:00 to 2022-12-14 13:00:00. View 25 entries

Games Now! Online Jam #7 is going low with the code!

Register to the GN Online Jam #7: Low Code Game Jam and the GN! Event Day #1: Low Code No Code here:


Did you know that digital games can be created without programming? There is actually an abundance of tools and platforms to help you in your creative process with visual programming or drag-and-drop interfaces. You don't even have to start from the scratch: you can use templates and remix designs already available! On our Low Code Game Jam we challenge you to go as low as possible with typing code for your games. The lower the better!

We continue our series of online jams with multicultural collaboration. As previously, we will also have game jammers from various countries around the world.  Join the  jammer match-making to meet new people and to explore your own creative powers together! The jam will be jointly held in collaboration with the GN! network's universities and schools, including: Chungkang College of Cultural Industries – School of Games (South Korea), Södertörn University (Sweden), Ritsumeikan University (Japan), the Professional University of Technology in Tokyo (Japan), University of Vaasa (Finland), Aalto University (Finland), and many more. Check the full list here:

You can join the jam, regardless of whether you are enrolled in any game school - the jam is open for anyone and free of charge! We welcome everyone who loves games and is interested in cross-cultural jamming.

The jam will be kicked-off on the 14th November 2022 as part of the GN! Event Day program at: At the kick-off, we introduce our jam mentors as well as reveal the theme for the jam (something to inspire you in addition to the low-code requirement). Join the full GN! Event Day to learn more about the revolution of easy-to-access game making platforms. The Event is open for anyone interested!

[KOREAN] 게임즈나우! 온라인 게임잼 #7에 초대합니다! 이번 토픽은? 로코드-노코드 입니다^^

프로그래밍 없이도 게임 개발이 가능하다는 사실, 알고 계신가요? 최근 코딩 없이 쉽게 게임 개발이 가능한 개발툴들이 많이 등장하고 있습니다. 이들은 직관적인 인터페이스를 제공하며 심지어 간단한 드래그앤드롭 형식으로도 게임을 만들 수 있도록 해줍니다. 더 나아가 이젠 게임을 처음부터 끝까지 개발할 필요도 없습니다. 인터넷에는 여러 게임 템플릿, 샘플, 에셋 스토어들이 늘어나고 있으니까요. 이번 게임즈나우! 온라인 게임잼을 통해 빠르게 변화해가고 있는 게임 개발툴 환경을 체험해보고, 이 툴로 어떤 게임을 만들어볼 수 있는지 알아보세요. 심플하게 그러나 재미있게! 한번 도전해보시죠.

이번 게임잼에도 세계 여러 게임 학교들이 함께 손을 모았습니다. 지구 반대편에선 어떻게 게임을 인식하고 개발하는지 문화 교류 체험해볼 수 있는 절호의 기회! 우선 예년과 마찬가지로 핀란드 알토대학교, 대한민국 청강문화산업대학교 게임콘텐츠스쿨, 일본 릿츠메이칸대학교, 스웨덴 쉐드텐대학교가 다시 함께합니다. 추가로 일본 도쿄국제공과전문대학(IPUT), 핀란드 바사대학교 등을 비롯한 게임즈나우 협력대학들도 참여합니다. 게임즈나우 협력대학 풀리스트는 여기에서 확인하실 수 있습니다:

이들 대학에 재학 중이지 않더라도 누구나 게임즈나우! 온라인 게임잼 #7에 참여하실 수 있습니다. 참가료는 무료이며, 게임 개발에 관심과 열정을 가진 모두에게 활짝 열려 있습니다.

본 행사는 2022년 11월 14일, 게임즈나우 Event Day를 통해 공식 오픈됩니다.  게임즈나우에 대한 자세한 사항은 공식 홈페이지를 참고하세요:

Games Now! Online Jam #7にようこそ!今回のトピックは?ロコード - ノーコード!

[JAPANESE] プログラミング不要でゲームが作れることを知っていますか? 近年、コーディング不要で簡単にゲームが作れる開発ツールが多数登場しています。GUIによる直感的なインターフェースを通じて、ドラッグ&ドロップでゲームが作れる環境が提供されています。そのうえ、ゲームを最初から最後まで開発する必要もありません。ネットには、これらの開発ツールで作られたゲームのテンプレート、サンプル、アセットなどが存在し、その数が続々と増えているからです。今回のゲームズナウ!オンラインゲームジャムでは、このように急速に変化しているゲーム開発環境を体験し、どのようなゲームを作ることができるか、調べるきっかけになるでしょう。シンプルだけど、楽しいゲーム! 一度挑戦してみてください。




####### Requirements and Theme ########################
####### 게임잼 규칙 및 테마 ゲームジャムルールとテーマ######

Just like the previous GNOJ's, also this jam has a special theme and design constraints. Low Code Game Jam is focusing on challenging the jammers to create games with low-code and no-code tools. Find creative ways to avoid programming a fully functional game. The lower amount of typed-in code you do on this jam, the better!

You can use templates or assets freely available (check their licenses), but make sure that all that you use are mentioned in your jam submission.

*The only limitation is that you cannot use any of your own projects from the past as a part of the project. Your own contribution needs to be new.*

For instance tools such as Bitsy, Twine, Construct 3, and GB Studio are great for this jam. See more low-code and no-code tools from here: or for instance here: (note that not all on these lists are low-code or no-code tools). 

You can also explore such platforms as HypeHype, Dreams, and Roblox!

Or go classic and make a board game or any analog game!

The jam will have additional inspirational theme, which will be revealed at the end of the kick-off event. It will remain a secret until then...

[KOREAN] 이번 게임즈나우! 온라인 게임잼 #7에서는 가급적 로코드-노코드 개발툴을 통해 게임을 만들어보시기 바랍니다. 프로그래밍 없이 게임을 만드는 것이 과연 어떤 느낌일지, 어떤 장점이 있고 어떠한 한계가 있는지 등을 이번 기회를 통해 배워보세요. 코딩을 적게 하면 할 수록 더 좋습니다 ㅎ

온라인에서 구할 수 있는 게임툴 탬플릿, 에셋 등을 활용 하실 수도 있습니다. (단, 저작권에 접촉되지는 않는지 꼭 확인하세요.) 나아가 게임 제출시 템플릿, 에셋 등의 출처를 명확하게 보고하시기 바랍니다.

단, 기존에 본인이 작업해왔던 작품(예: 졸업준비작)을 가지고 본 행사에 참여하는 것은 금지됩니다. 꼭 이 행사에는 새로운 작품으로 참가하셔야 합니다. 

로코드-노코드 게임 개발툴 예시: Bitsy, Twine, Construct 3, GB Studio 등. 그 외에도 여기를 참고하세요 또는: (로코드-노코드 게임 개발툴이 아닌 것들도 더러 섞여 있으니 주의!) HypeHype, Dreams, 또는 Roblox 등도 활용 가능합니다. 물론, 보드게임이나 아날로그게임들도 코딩이 전혀 필요가 없다는 사실!

2022년 11월 14일, 한국시각 오후 11시 게임잼 "테마(theme)"가 공개됩니다. 테마는 간단한 단어나 문장이 될 예정이며, 이후 단어/문장이 연상되는 게임을 로코드-노코드로 개발하면 됩니다. 나아가 11월 15일, 한국 시각 오후 5시 브레인스토밍 & 팀빌딩 세션이 디스코드에서 진행됩니다. 꼭 참가하세요:

[JAPANESE]  今回のGames Now! Online Jam #7では、なるべくロコード - ノーコード開発ツールを使ってゲームを作ってみてください。プログラミングなしでゲームを作ることが果たしてどんな感じなのか、どんなメリットがあり、どんなリースがあるのかなどを、この機会を通じて学びましょう。コーディングが少ないほど良いと思います。

今回のGames Now! Online Jam #7では、できるだけコーディング不要でゲームが作れる開発環境(ローコード・ノーコードのゲーム開発環境)を用いてゲームを作ってみてください。プログラミングをすることなく、ゲームを開発することが、はたしてどのような体験なのか。どのようなメリットがあり、どのようなゲームがリリースできるのかなどを、この機会を通して学びましょう。今回のジャムではコーディングが少ないほど、称賛されます。



ローコード・ノーコードゲーム開発環境の例:Bitsy、Twine、Construct 3、GB Studioなど。その他にもこちらをご覧ください または: 利用可能です。(ロコード・ノーコードではない開発ツールも混在しています。)ボードゲームやアナログゲームを開発するのも良い選択だと思います。


今回のGames Now! Online Jam #7では、フィンランドのゲーム業界の専門家が参加し、ゲーム開発に対するフィードバックやヒントが参加者に対して提供されます。 参加者が開発したゲームについてもレビューが行われる予定です。さらに 提出されたゲームの一部は、Games Now! Online Jam#8イベント(2023年1月予定)で講評が行われる予定です。

##################### Schedule 일정 #####################

  • Game Jam Kick-off: 14th November 2022, 15:00 -16:00 (EET) / 14:00 - 15:00 (CET) / 22:00 - 23:00 (KST, JST) / 13:00 – 14:00 (UTC) @
  • Brainstorming and teaming (team building) session: 15th November 2022, 10:00 -12:00 (EET) / 9:00 - 11:00 (CET) / 17:00 - 19:00 (KST, JST) / 8:00 – 10:00 (UTC) @GN! Discord:
  • Teams fixed:  by 18th November 10:00 (EET) / 9:00 (CET) / 17:00 (KST, JST) / 8:00 (UTC)
  • Progress reports and help throughout the jam, at GN! Discord:
  • Mid-term mentor feedback 28th & 29th November 2022 (exact time slots TBA), at GN! Discord: 
  • Submission deadline: 14th December 15:00 (EET) / 14:00 (CET) / 22:00 (KST, JST) / 13:00 (UTC) 
  • Jam Review:  23rd January 2023, 15:00 -16:00 (EET) / 14:00 - 15:00 (CET) / 22:00 - 23:00 (KST, JST) / 13:00 – 14:00 (UTC) @

##################### Mentors 멘토단 #####################

Our experienced game professional mentors will help the teams to work on their games by providing feedback and tips along the journey of the jam. They will also review the games at the end of the jam and pick the most interesting pieces for discussion at the Jam Review.

이번 게임즈나우! 게임잼에서는 핀란드 게임업계 전문가들이 나와 게임 개발에 대한 피드백, 팁을 멘토링해드릴 예정입니다. 향후 제출된 게임에 대해서도 리뷰를 제공할 계획이니 참고하세요. 제출된 게임 중 일부를 선정하여 게임즈나우! 온라인게임잼 #8 행사 (2023년 1월 예정) 때 리뷰 방송을 진행할 예정입니다.

今回のGames Now! Online Jam #7では、フィンランドのゲーム業界の専門家が出てきて、ゲーム開発に対するフィードバック、ヒントを指摘していく予定です。 今後提出されたゲームについてもレビューを提供する予定です。 提出されたゲームの一部を選んでGames Now! Online Jam#8イベント(2023年1月予定)でレビュー放送を進行する予定しています。

Noora Klaavu, Senior Game Artist, Futureplay

Noora is a well-versed game artist currently working at a Finnish game company Futureplay. Noora is working with Futureplay's flagship game Merge Gardens and has previously worked for instance on the Angry Birds games at Rovio. Noora also have very interesting game jam experiences, including the Bus Jam in 2016, where she had to find ways to draw game characters in a moving bus. Noora has also done a lot of volunteer work: she has been active in IGDA Finland, has mentored Junior Game Jam, and for instance participated in translation project of Indie Game: The Movie.

Chris Hong ( 홍성민), Tech Lead, Metacore Games

Chris started his career as a server programmer in 1995 and successfully led 13+ massive multiplayer real-time games in PC/Consoles and 8+ mobile game development as a development lead and a producer. Chris is currently working at Metacore Games, but also has a long history in teaching game design and development in Singapore and South Korea.

Teemu Vilén, COO, Makea Games

Teemu is an experienced game designer and has been involved in 40+ commercial game projects. He is currently working as a Chief Operating Officer at a new startup Makea Games, which is aiming to revolutionize user generated content in games. Teemu has also an interesting background from game jams: in 2014 he organized the Finnish Game Jam special jam location with a bus of 20 game developers creating games while on the move.

Jere Sanisalo, Game Programmer, Supercell

Jere is a Finnish game industry grandmaster currently working as a game programmer at Supercell. Jere has previously worked at Housemarque in such game productions as Returnal, Resogun, Super Stardust HD, Dead Nation, and Alienation. Jere has been participating to multiple game jams, including Survival Mode in 2016. At Survival Mode, the jammers had no internet and only limited access to electricity, so Jere created a (yoga themed) game on an iPad with a single charge. Jere is also known by his demoscene nickname XMunkki.

##################### Hosts #####################

Annakaisa Kultima, Aalto University, Finland

Annakaisa Kultima, Aalto University, Finland

Annakaisa Kultima is a postdoctoral researcher at Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture in Finland. She has been teaching and studying game design and development since 2006 in several universities in Finland and Sweden as well as traveled as a visiting lecturer around the world including universities in US, China, Denmark, South Korea and Japan. Her research is concentrating on game development cultures, creativity, game industry trends, as well as game jams. Kultima’s PhD dissertation “Game Design Praxiology” examined the multitude of issues of understanding ‘games as created’ including game jam cultures. Kultima is also an active member of the game ecosystem in Finland and internationally: she is working as a judge in several game competitions, running and participating in game jams (around 50 game jams so far!) as well as curating exhibitions on games. She has been leading Global Game Jam theme committee and been the regional organizer and site organizer for Global Game Jam for many years. She is also a member of the founding team of The Finnish Museum of Games as well as the co-founder and the head of non-profit organization Finnish Game Jam between 2013-2020. At Aalto University, Annakaisa works on the Games Now! open lecture series carefully picking the most interesting topics and speakers to the series.

Solip Park Aalto University, Finland

Solip Park Aalto University, Finland

Solip is a doctoral student at Aalto University School of Arts, Design, and Architecture - Department of Arts and Media, with her current research interest is focused on digital game production, work culture, and immigrants/expats. Solip is the author and artist of "Game Expats Story" comic series, while currently acting as a member of the board and Graphics/Arts Team Lead at Finnish Game Jam Ry and Management Team Lead at Korean Student Association in Finland (KOSAFI Ry). She is working with the Embassy of Republic of Korea (South) in Finland, leading their "Kor-Fin Esports Festival" and "Kor-Fin Special Game Week" projects - connecting game devs in Finland and South Korea.  Solip was once the first South Korean to acquire Finland's startup entrepreneur residence permit in 2018. She was one of the founding members of Nexon Computer Museum - the first permanent museum in East Asia dedicated to the history of computer and video games, located in South Korea.


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a game
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Help yetis find love.
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Little Timmy is being attacked by evil snowmen! Help him defend himself!
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Driving on ice is slippery, so sliding around is bound to happen.
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