This jam is now over. It ran from 2018-08-16 21:00:00 to 2018-08-19 22:59:59. View results

أهلاً بكم في أكبر حدث تطوير ألعاب في الوطن العربي

زنقة الالعاب هي فعالية تستهدف محبي تطوير الألعاب في جميع أنحاء الوطن العربي.

الزنقة أو ما يعرف بالإنجليزية بـ  الكيم جام هي إحدى صيغ فعاليات تطوير الألعاب الرائجة عالمياً حيث تجمع مطوري الألعاب من كافة المستويات ليتعارفوا ويتفاعلوا ويتعلموا ما هو جديد وليطوروا ألعاب  ضمن موضوع/ثيم محدد في فترة قصيرة جداً لا تتجاوز الأسبوع. الموضوع المحدد يتقيد به الجميع كوسيلة لضمان بداية ونهاية العمل بتطوير اللعبة خلال فترة الزنقة كما أنها وسيلة لوضع عائق أو قيد لتحدي المطورين ودفعهم لأن يبدعوا في الفكرة والتطبيق.

الزنقة مفتوحة لمحبي الألعاب وتطويرها من كافة الخلفيات والأعمار ومستويات الخبرة من مطوري ألعاب محترفين إلى من لم يسبق لهم تطوير لعبة من قبل. الباب مفتوح للجميع والعوائق أمام تطوير الألعاب تكاد تنعدم كلياً هذه الأيام بوجود برامج تطوير ألعاب مجانية تمكنكم من تطوير لعبة مسلية بدون كتابة سطر كود واحد وبوجود المزيد من مكتبات الكود والمحتوى المجاني.

زنقة الالعاب هي مبادرة غير ربحية لدعم صناعة الألعاب بدأ تنظيمها من قبل مجتمع مطوري تاكو للالعاب واليوم يتم تنظيمها من قبل مجتمعات مطوري الالعاب متطوعين من جميع انحاء العالم العربي.

الدورة الثامنة لزنقة الالعاب ستقام من ١٧ اغسطس (الجمعة) الى غاية ١٩ اغسطس (الاحد) تكون المشاركة عن طريق مواقع تجمع في عدة مدن عربية بالاضافة الى المشاركة عبر الانترنت في حالة عدم تواجد مكان تجمع قريب. 

ارجوا قراءة الشروط والتعليمات والتحكيم و اضغط هنا لمعرفة اماكن تجمع الزنقة وهنا لمعرفة تعليمات رفع اللعبة

يمكنك المشاركة والتفاعل مع المشاركين في الزنقة هنا في قسم المجتمعات وايضا في قسم في قسم زنقة الالعاب في الشبكة العربي لمطوري الالعاب وايضا في القناة الرسمية لزنقة الالعاب   على ديسكورد

وللمزيد من المعلومات يرجى زيارة الموقع الرسمي لزنقة الالعاب

نتمنى لكم اوقات سعيدة في الزنقة ولا تنسى مشاركة صورك معنا على هاشتاك الزنقة


Welcome to the largest game development event in the Arab World

GameZanga is an event for game development enthusiasts all over the Arab World and beyond.

The Zanga, known in english as a “Game Jam” is one of the most popular game development activities in the world. It brings together developers of all skill levels and to meet, learn from each other, experiment and develop games within a short time period and based on a specific theme. Game Jams are usually no longer than a week and the theme ensures all games are made within the jam time. It also offers a challenge and helps push participants to innovate and think outside the norm.

The Zanga is open to game development enthusiasts of all ages, backgrounds and skill levels, whether you are a industry professional or you’ve never made a game before. The obstacles to development are practically non existent these days and there are free development tools available. Some tools make it possible to create fun games without needing to write a single line of code as well as plenty of content and libraries that you can use in your games for free.

GameZanga is a non profit initiative by the GameTako community to promote and support the game industry. It is now organized by volunteers from game dev communities across the Arab World.

The 8th GameZanga will take place from the 17th (Friday) to the 19th (Sunday) of August 2018. Participants can join one of multiple local jam sites in different cities or jam remotely online if no jam site is available nearby.

Kindly read the terms and conditions of the jam. Local jam site locations can be found here and the instructions for uploading the games can be found here.

You can interact with Zanga participants in the community section here or in the GameZanga section of theArabic Game Developer Network forums. You can also join the official GameZanga Discord channel.

For more information please visit Game Zanga website .

Enjoy the Zanga and don't forget to share your photos with us using #GameZanga

Game Zanga 8 Theme


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blow up the sky with morse code!
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A 2.5D, local co-op, puzzle platformer, with a minimalistic & fun vibe.
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2D puzzle platformer minimalist game
Switch your shape and gain abilities.
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!!! ببساطة .. انقر لمساعدة الأم لتخطي العقبات وإنقاذ إبنتها
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Just another speedrun game
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Blast baddies, trade with planets, collect resources. Made for Game Zanga 8 - Minimalism.
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there are three character you can switch between them make their way to home safely.
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Your car broke down in Zombie Land. Find these items to fix your car and escape!
pep 95 is a broken robot that need to be repaired , and must go to jane's robot repair shop,for help.
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A puzzle game where you have to match object according to their shadows (projections)
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minimalist puzzle
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Play as a mad wizard that turns scary monsters into triangles, sqaures, and circles!
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Clear the way to the cube ازل العقبات في الطريق المكعّب
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Help Erik to bring back the Viking treasure.
You're the chosen one, you are tasked with helping the last one retrieve a more minimalist life.
Hack the system in a creative platformer/puzzle 2.5D
Dark Souls flavored puzzle game >:D
Help the eraser to eliminate all the complications in her life in (3 Challenging Levels).
What is this device?
Endless Peaceful Ice Platformer
The mysterious adventure of our fearless hero trying to get out of hell.
"One is light, one is dark"
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simplicity, minimalist
Wake up to your house in a nightmare, the only way out is to solve puzzles to revert your house to minimalist décor.
Broken is a puzzle plat-former where the main character can destroy parts of himself to use it in solving puzzles.
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Simplicity comes from big stories
4-12 player social party game where you make others guess constellations.
A fox that wants to fly!
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Game Zanga 2018 entry
Role Playing
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Simple Concept, Complex Puzzle
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A minimalist platform game
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a developed game with relaxing sounds and Design
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هل يمكنك امساك الكرة و وضعها في الصندوق
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Color Balls
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A simple Avoidance game for Gamezanga 8 Jam
Simple Game of world lost his colors
Ice fox is a casual one tap simple game fit with both offline and online game modes.
RGB Colors Puzzle
"Shd el7bl" is an old folk game which is popular in Egypt.
Locked out mentally from the bad government and controlled as a slave! Discover the thrilling story now!
A minimalist game craeted for Game Zanga 8
Wreck your opponent!
3 little friends fell into a dark place. they must help each other to get out.
Minimalistic rhythm game
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Do not dare to wake me up!
Try to avoid obstacles by clicking on the screen
How fast can you reach 50?!
DoDo must eat only healthy food ;)
Protect the ship from incoming meteors
Cruise your ship in space and avoid getting hit.
Don't Judge on it until you Play it to the end
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man lost in his mind ( nothing finished but try it )
You need to figure the solutions by trying to think out of box and simple.
Keep the ball within the INside edges if you can (video of gameplay included)
The simple pong game is back...but with better visuals
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Save your family from mosters
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Hold space to jump, that's it!
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top down shooter for the Game Zanga 8 game jam
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نشمية فتاة أتت من القرية حتى تعلّم أهل المدينة حياة البساطة
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​a short minimalist puzzle game where you must move green box in it's position ​
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The path to happiness starts with simplicity
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An entry for GameZanga8, theme was "Minimalism" and this game uses the minimal steps to get fat
Stir fruit by your finger enjoy fruit juice
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A ball enters a world mixed of melodies and colors
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Escape the Devil
Is a game that includes speed and concentration in the game
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it's just not easy
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