This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-03-01 03:30:00 to 2024-04-01 01:30:00. View results

We've decided to Give some time and planning into future Game-Jams going forward.

We are going to be doing  **TWO FORMAT/STYLES**  of Game-Jams going forward.

Check below for Information regarding both.



Will be made every Month, but these are lesser jams of ours.

These will be Weekend jams, and NOT THEMED, but based around a monthly ASSET PACK

These will take place the 3rd Weekend of each month , And be judged on the final week of each month

Asset bundle made or contributed by Me, or another member of the community, released ~6hrs before start of the Weekend!

Streaming not guaranteed , we may stream the winners

There are no monetary prizes for these jams, just clout and sharpening your skills

Bonus points if you use all the assets provided! ===


Will be the new form of our 'Flagship' Game-jam in the community.

For more information about either of these, you can check here:

 GamingW Game-Jam Info 




Yup, TILT.  Take that how you will, but the premise of TILT must be a leading theme or inspiration point for your game submission to be qualified for a Ranking and to be considered for the prize awarded to winner after voting.  Please explain how your game fits the theme in its submission definition/ information panels on page. 

These will be Variously streamed, along with the Finalists and fan favorites being streamed. If you are streaming yourself during creation, use the tag #GamingW so we can find you! 

There will be a $20 Value Steam/Itch game prize for 1st place, and 3 Runner up prizes of random steam game keys, or community made game keys


LINKS: GamingW Community Forums

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Twitch Stream Channel


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