A Game Jam Submission for GBCGameJamFinal : Environment Impacts You By Flavio Araujo Silva Story: You are a ghost living in your own home all peacefully when suddenly some bots from the local bank have come to repossess your home. Its up to...
Game made for GameJam, Final Exam of Game Engines IV. You must answer questions and be impacted, wether it be gameplay changes or lessons learned with facts about your choices. (Go for all endings!)
How to Play Use WASD to move, left mouse button to shoot magic ball. Players will be affected differently in different terrains. Players need to activate the 4 altars in the maze to win.
Toadstool Grove takes place deep within a forest, full of gravity augmenting mushrooms. The player's goal is to make it across the grove and get the the exit at the far end with the help of the mushrooms. The player can follow the trail of...
This game was created for the 48 hour game jam final ( Environment Impacts You) for GAME3033 at George Brown College. Attempt to reach the exit by obtaining different abilities through copying your environment. Clicking on coloured objects...
Elemental Master Unity Chan Thank you for coming! I am Junho Kim - 101136986 ------------------------------Details ------------------------------- Control Unity Chan to defeat enemies. There are 3 types of elemental that can help Unity Chan...
Final Exam Game Jam Submission for 2021 for GBC Game Engine IV. Theme : The environment impacts you. By Kevin Chua v3 now with secret ending. protip stand on box and transfer alot of mass at once to launch yourself up in the air.