This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-04-21 15:30:00 to 2023-04-23 14:00:00. View 5 entries


Fri 17.30Most at Hiber are done for the week and their office is available to us
Fri 18.00Hiber is offering a presentation of a technical tool
Fri 21.00 *
We close the venue for the day, you are free to work elsewhere for as long as you like
Sat 9.00 *We open the venue
Sat 21.00 *
We close the venue
Sun 9.00 *
We open the venue
Sun 16.00
We leave for Nordstan ahead of our presentations
Sun 16.30
The science festival has asked us to be present 30 minutes ahead of our time slot
Sun 17.00
We present our games during our program slot of the science festival

* We will be able to open and close the venue earlier or later depending on if organizers with the right access are present at that time

The sites:

Hiber's office Västra Hamngatan 12, 411 17 Göteborg,11.9616261,17z/data=!3m1!...

Nordstan's stage Götgatan 10, 411 05 Göteborg,11.9673923,17z/data=!3m1!...

Food and drinks

Hiber is able to sponsor us with some snacks and refreshments on-site. We'll have to arrange lunch and dinner ourselves (there are plenty of options nearby).

The event

- English below -

Under Göteborgs vetenskapsfestivalen bjuder det lokala spelskapar-communityt, GameDev GBG, in till ett jam där grupper paras ihop med forskare från staden. Forskningen blir nämligen inspiration till de spel som kommer att skapas under helgen den 21-23e april.

Vi tackar Hiber som kommer att låta oss jamma i deras förnäma kontor under helgen.

Löpande kommunikation sker via GameDevGBGs Discord server och intro och avslutning kommer även att hållas via Zoom-länk. Resultaten kommer att presenteras på scenen i köpcentret Nordstan efter jammet.

För att delta skapar du eller loggar in på ditt konto här på och ansulter dig till jammet. Använd en mail-adress som vi kan nå dig på så att vi kan skapa grupper och para ihop dem med forskare. Gå även med i GameDevGBGs discord-server, där kan du ställa frågor och hitta andra att samarbeta med under evenemanget.

GameDevGBGs discord-server:

GameDevGBGs community-sida:


During the Gothenburg science festival, the local game creator community, GameDevGBG, invites you to a jam where groups are paired with researchers from the city. The research will be the inspiration for the games that will be created during the weekend of 21-23rd April.

We thank Hiber for allowing us to jam in their wonderful offices during the weekend.

Continuous communication will occur over GameDevGBG's Discord server and intro and end sessions will also be done over a Zoom link. The results will be presented at the scene in the mall Nordstan.

To participate, create or log in to your account here on and sign up for the jam. Use an email address with which we can reach you so that we can create groups and pair them with researchers. Also join GameDevGBG's discord server, where you can ask questions and find others to collaborate with during the event.

GameDevGBG's discord server:

GameDevGBG's community page:


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A deep-sea diving game about finding and photographing maerl!
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You have to spot which picture is real and which is AI generated.
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A jam game for the Science Jam of 2023 based on a lecture by Carl Wilén.
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