This jam is now over. It ran from 2016-10-01 05:00:00 to 2016-10-10 05:00:00. View results

Back GBJAM on KickStarer here!!!


  1. The aim of GBJam is to create a GameBoy themed game
  2. All assets must be created during the duration of the Jam
  3. Keep in the original GameBoy screen resolution of 160px x 144px
  4. Use only 4 colors in your game

I just want to thank everyone for their patience with the postponement of the jam this year.

Follow @GBJAMofficial and @retrostark for updates!


We would like to expand GBJam to it's own domain and have the entire jam self hosted. We also want to release some really cool GBJam merchandise, but we need your help!

Back GBJAM on Kickstarter and get sweet GBJAM tees and more!