This jam is now over. It ran from 2017-02-07 00:00:00 to 2017-02-15 00:00:00. View results

Hi everyone, We are running a Valentines Jam !

Well being Valentines Day the theme seems pretty clear.. however we will release 2 bonus themes at start time!
so you will have the choice of 3 themes for this jam!
The spirit would be to include all the themes if possible but you are welcome to choose!

8 days for this Jam.

Everything is normal rules for this jam!


The core theme for this jam is Valentines so get your lovey dovey on and make us something gooier than the goo jam.
But wait, there's more! If you dont want to make something that mushy how about you use one of our bonus themes: As Seen On TV or TV Shows.


  • Contestants will have 8 Days of development time. (Tuesday 7th February 2017 12:00am => Tuesday 14th February 2017 23:59pm) UTC Time (This is +0, Check the current time here > What is UTC TIME
  • All Game engines are welcome!
  • Teams are allowed (prize will be split)
  • You have full creative freedom to make what you wish, However the spirit of the jam is to follow the theme and make the best game you can, If you don't you probably won't get disqualified but people tend to vote for the best game true to the theme.
  • You can use any artwork or audio that is open source and free for all to use.. Free assets, open source art is ok, Previous projects are not..
  • Voting is handled by Itch on a 1-5 star scale in 4 categories. (Fun, Creativity, Polish, Theme)


  • Submit your game to and to the submission page and be sure to fill in all fields.
  • Submissions must be made available to Violent Crumble (verification) before prizes will be awarded.
  • Submissions must be either playable online eg. WebGL(Preferred) or downloaded via a zip file.
  • Once top 3 winners have been chosen, they will submit their source files to @Violent Crumble for verification
  • Please be sure to link your Discord Username as that is where i will pm you!


Top 3 places will be rewarded awesome special roles in the Discord Server!

As well as: If there are more than 10 Submissions - Prizes are:

  • 1st – Discord T-Shirt - (Large) + Discord Badge + Special Role!
  • 2nd – Discord Badge + Discord Sticker + Special Role!
  • 3rd – Discord Badge + Special Role!

Prizes were supplied courtesy of Discord! Image here -
The T-Shirt is a Large, sorry i can't choose the sizing it's just what i was sent.
I will try and get more swag for future jams :)

How Do I Enter This Amazing Jam?

Simple!, Join the discord and get hyped!
#gamejam-chat is where you are able to ask any questions, or talk with other participants.

type !gamejam register in chat to register for gamejam notifications

How do i begin?

When the GameJam starts, Tiny rick (The discord server bot) will change his message to let people know the theme, and i will update the details on the Itch page (Here). I will try to update the Facebook twitter too!

How do I win it?

All submissions will be posted to Itch and open to public vote for 7 days and the top 3 || 4 will be chosen.

Good luck!

"May the odds be ever in your favor"

The game jams are self funded, If you would like to donate and help out, You can do so below.


All submissions
Browser playable (3)
Windows (5)
macOS (2)
Linux (2)

No submissions match your filter

Shoot your love away!
One evil heart, one acidic goo gun, on a quest for human skulls. Go nuts!
Pong+Love = this game, you have gf/bf to play pong with?
Play in browser
The curiosity rover engages in some rose collecting romance ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Play in browser
Just like cookie clicker except its with fapping
Play in browser