This jam is now over. It ran from 2018-11-22 11:30:00 to 2018-11-24 19:00:00. View 9 entries

Welcome to GIF Game Jam 2018

A game jam is a hackathon-ish event sponsored by the Global Informatics Forums in Kuwait, where programmers, artists, and enthusiasts, gather to make video games over the weekend, following a theme provided during the event. This event is not exclusive to professionals, everyone is welcome!

If you're a programmer, artist, animator, musician, storyteller, game designer, or just want to get involved in making video games in one way or another, this is the event you should be looking for!

Join us from November 22nd to 24th in Kuwait College of Science and Technology in Doha (Map below), meet people who share the same interest in making video games, form teams, and start making video games throughout the weekend!

Click here to get location details in Google Maps!

Click here to read our FAQ


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