This jam is now over. It ran from 2022-05-29 04:00:00 to 2022-06-14 10:06:06. View results

Hello, I am Pop Gamez

And this is the Glitchy GameJam, And this is my

first game jam Thats all now ill talk about the

thing now.


To have it for my first game jam, the theme is...

- Glitches


- Retro


You can do any kind of game, Horror, Adventure, Multiplayer

but it HAS to have the theme in it either a item or the game its self.

but you also have to have it long as 1 hour and short as 5 minutes.

DO NOT submit anything submissive or NSFW worthy.


1 - Featured in Discord and YouTube video when out

2 - Discount on merch (Game or Brand) Note: Merch website is not made yet, when made DM Official Jittery#0885 on discord

3 - You're own role on my discord

My discord:

now till the submissions are in, good luck!


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