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Ryoogamine published a game 3 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Synchrony is a game with puzzles, phasing mechanics and a lot of fun. The game is based around Duality. Please try the game, it is free and leave a comment what you thought. This game was made whithin 48 hours as participation for the Globa...
Jorim updated a game 3 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
Updated page content.
Brum_nl published a game 3 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows and Linux.
"Out of tarot cards three, words of wisdom shall be shared by thee." You are Lyudmila, a gypsy fortune telling cat. Welcome customers with their questions into your tent, and choose a fitting answer to send them on their way. Earn coins and...
wouterXDXDXD published a Game 3 years ago
A browser Game made in HTML5.
A game built on the base of chess, with a day and night cycle which changes the way you play. Game made for the Global Game Jam 2022 and made by team Sir Jamsalot.
Iain Harrison published a game 3 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
Game created for the global game jam NL 2022, use WASD to move. Goodluck! The game has 12 levels. press "R" to restart.
Ron Dekker published a puzzle 3 years ago
A browser puzzle made in HTML5.
It's Sudoku, but with an added dimension. Standard rules apply, every line and region must contain one of each number. However each line and region now goes through to the next layer as well, so don't think of each layer as its own puzzle...
nick0124 published a game 3 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
Великолепная игра, сюжет в которой вы можете придумать сами.
Daniel V. Macedo published a game 3 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS.
DuoVerse is a puzzle game where you play in two worlds simultaneously. I hope that you all like it ❤️ The game was developed during the Global Game Jam 2022
Yvens R. Serpa updated a antypoda 3 years ago
A browser antypoda made in HTML5.
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Wietske published a game 3 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
Submitted for the GGJNL 2022 Game Jam. Move with WASD. Dodge the Black objects. Get hit and the count will start again from zero. Every 10 points, the camera will rotate 45 degrees. Good luck!
Hilko Kleissen published a game 3 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
Download the executable for the best experience! (webgl may have delayed sound) WASD to move, Space to pounce, clean and drag chickens, B to Bark (only as dog) Credits Programming, Game Design - Hilko Kleissen Programming, Game Design - Pep...
Tobrasker published a game 3 years ago
A downloadable game.
Play cards by moving them above the chalice and dropping them. Try to beat the power level of the Skeleton's Challice by using your cards. As soon as all cards are used the winner will be defined. Controls: Use WASD to move Left-Click to pi...
A downloadable game.
*Still in development. Follow the daily shenanigans of a 6yo girl who one day is missing her favorite teddybear. Can she uncover this mystery with her little group of rascal friends? Discover and meet the Moluccan community in Upperville. D...
Jorim published a game 3 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
A roguelike game all about flipping coins. At the start of the game you get to choose a pouch of coins to start with. Along your way to the end of the map you encounter monsters to fight and interesting opportunities. You can select coins t...
Yvens R. Serpa published a antypoda 3 years ago
A browser antypoda made in HTML5.
Antypoda is a puzzle game in which the player must control elemental beetles to reach their goal without crossing each others paths. More information at .
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