This jam is now over. It ran from 2016-11-30 00:00:00 to 2016-12-14 12:00:00. View 47 entries

YoYo Games are proud to present the world's first GameMaker Studio 2 Game Jam! Submit a game & project files any time in the next two weeks and help us make history.

The theme for this first jam is Arena. As an added criteria we want to see as much use of the new tile mapping features in GameMaker Studio 2!

If you need help getting started, there are official tutorials built around constructing a simple top down arena shooter available on YouTube, and also built into the IDE as written tutorials.

Making a game is what counts, so if the theme doesn't work for you then feel free to create anything you like. The main rule here is it has to be created using GameMaker Studio 2. To this end, we'll need entrants to share their project files. Doing this is also a great way to encourage developers to learn from each other and also means that users of the free Trial version can also enter. We can't wait to see what you'll do with our new tools.

To reiterate, the rules are:

  • Games must be made with GameMaker Studio 2, games built with 1.x do not qualify.
  • Games must include their GMS2 project files for verification.
  • Teams are allowed, but only one prize pack will be issued to winning teams.
  • Do not include source code or assets that you do not have the right to redistribute. (Marketplace assets, etc.).

The games will be judged internally and the winner will receive a trophy from YoYo Games and will be highlighted on our website. The top three developers will also receive a goody pack including a GameMaker Studio 2 T-shirt, messenger bag, squeeze ball and bottle opener:

Best of luck, the clock starts now!


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Base Building, Crafting, Adventure & Secrets!
Made in 72 hours for the Ludum Dare game jam.
Ridiculous Fast-Paced Football
Levantera: Arena
a game about moving
A bird and his turret buddy.
Something could always use a tidy up.
Everybody knows that ninjas love cake!
AKA I can't think of titles for games - 4GMS2JAM
Early prototype for the GameMaker Studio 2 Beta Jam.
Hack your way into the fluxnet.
Cyborg cowboy kills robot gang members!
You and your friends love sitting around so you went to the arena to sit there...
Double Tap the Zombies!
Arena game of tag! Made for GMS2 BetaJam 2016
Find the exit with your smart robot in this turnbased roguelike
Horde arena turret defense where you are a hovertank moving between power ups to destroy the incoming attackers.
How many nights will you survive, as the ghosts of past haunt you?
Red kills Blue, Blue Kills Red.
Help Prepper Justin survive from the waves of elemental monsters in this faced paced game!
A shooter arena scoring game by Tarzed for the GMS2BetaJam
Be a cowboy with magic
christmas, abducted, aliens, santa, claus, game, silly
The Ultimate Arena: Your Body! Take charge of your immune system and defend your body against the pathogens!
The Hardcore Game 2016 is a fast pace top down shooter that will not pull any punches.
Pickup power to defeat the boss
Our attempt at the BetaJam game jam for GMS: 2.
Gamemaker Beta Game Jam 2016 Throw Ball Arena
An old BeardedBear retired in the woods.. Rangers doesn't like you.. Fortunately you have a chainsaw-gun!
Top down shotter with zombie and multiplayer
Expand your small venue until you have a full Arena
Don't let them hanging!
As a harp seal try to survive as many rounds as possible before the polar bears eat you.
Ragdoll puppets in an 8-bit(ish) arena