It took a little while to get the meat of the game, but you've got something here that is delightfully challenging to control! I laughed several times just because it was so silly.
My main critique: the core of the game is really good - but there's a lot of stuff that distracts from it. There's a lengthy tutorial section that can drag on (sorry, couldn't resist) far too long before getting the game's "catch" - that the mouse controls all of your abilities, like fire breath. And a jam game doesn't need this much dialogue unless it's actually focusing on some narrative innovation. I suspect you spent a lot of time on the dialogue system and mentor figure cutscenes that, while adorable, that time could have been spent further developing the gameplay concept rather than slowing down the pacing.
A smaller critique: having the fireball shoot on mouse release is brilliant and feels really good once you know what's happening. Reminds me a bit of the classic "half A-press" debate :P But it wasn't clear that this was how it worked and it took me a lot of fumbling around to realize it wasn't just shooting on a timer. Which is kind of ironic because my little dragon character breathed fire on his own during the cutscene and then said he understood how it worked - but no-one ever told me! Oops.
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