Your character controller and the sprite-work are excellent! I love the enemy designs and the aesthetic of the tower.
I wish there had been some background music, the soundscape felt a little bit sparse. There's some great opportunity to let the soundscape reflect the player's decision to lose control.
Do give some serious consideration to your level design: if what you have is a perfect mirror image on either side -- and if there is no incentive to explore "side areas" -- then at any point half of the traversable space in your game is wasted. If you trimmed out redundant areas, and/or put meaningful collectibles in them (e.g. armor to block enemy attacks, speed bonuses, health pick-ups, etc.) you would have a much more engaging experience.
I had wished there were more mechanical consequences for my choice to lose control. As it stood, I was happy to get revenge on that lil' spongebob-looking guy for all those times he messed me up. Maybe make the player's controls actually rebel against them, and introduce tougher enemies that don't take kindly to your being out of control.
You have some great bones for an excellent game. Give it some polish, and keep up the good work!
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