Play Game Show
Who Wants to Know the Truth?'s pageLink to gameplay video
Miro Aurela
Tools and Resources
Unity Cloud Save for backend database for topic research and spell-checking
Grammarly for spell-checking
Google for topic research
Google Suite office programs including Google Docs, Google Forms, and Google Sheets
Estimated work hours
CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license
Short description of the game
Sometimes people have different views on even the most simple of questions. This trivia game inspired by Who Wants to Be a Millionaire aims to highlight how there are as many worldviews as there are people.
Development Process
Firstly a backend server was set up to keep track of the questions and answers. Even thought in the end the features that required the backend were not implemented during the jam I'm happy to have had the experience of implementing it. Next, the basic question-answer logic was implemented in Unity. Because of the simple premise of the game, the implementation was relatively fast which allowed time to be spent on reaching out to other jammers when designing the questions. Lastly, the question-and-answer options were recorded by AI voice to have the proper game show feel. I also wrote additional start and end monologues for the host. Additional abilities like Call a friend, Ask the audience 50-50, and Skip a question were planned and partly implemented but did not end up in the jam version of the game.
Did you work in a multicultural/multilingual team over different time-zones?
The design process took advantage of the multicultural nature of the jam by inviting other jammers to suggest their own questions for the game. Even when designed by a solo team, the game was able to take ideas from different perspectives of multiple countries around the world, including Ireland, Vietnam, India, Finland, and South Korea.
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