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A browser RatUp made in HTML5.
Use arrow keys to move and E to attack! This tiny game of a tiny rat was made by Skyla (coding and suffering) and Crystal (music and mental support)
Akt0o published a game 158 days ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
A small platformer where you create potions that alter the world you are in. Oops! You broke the world! Turns out playing with the rules of space and time isn't a good idea! PS : If you have performance issue try the windows version that yo...
RinG123 published a game 158 days ago
A downloadable game.
We tried to do something large-scale, but in the end we did little. But I think that our graphics and music are very cool. Don't judge strictly). Developers RinG(It is I) - Godot-Developer StishaN - Godot-Developers Silent Games - pixel-art...
Mia Cioffi updated a game 157 days ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
Updated title and page content. Set genre to Other.
3 new images
CMSaiko published a game 158 days ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
MADE FOR THE GOEDWARE GAME JAM #12 STRANGEZARD Strangezard is a small rogue-like pixel art dungeon crawler. The dungeon is randomly generated while you choose a strange power-up at each stage Controls: WASD: MOVEMENT LMB (HOLD): SHOOT SPACE...
nalanalinha published a game 158 days ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
To move, use the ASWD keys or the arrow keys on your keyboard. To shoot, use the space bar or the left side of the mouse. Finally, to interact with objects or skip text, use the E key.
kkcn published a game 158 days ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
When the cult of baristas want to wake up the Elder Gods with the Darkest Blend of coffee the only person who can stop it is, as usual, Dick Storm, the civilian exorcist. He's getting that coffee though, no sense in it going to waste! This...
nukeBoy updated a game 158 days ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
Added platform Windows.
1 new upload:
Boom'N Play in browser
dragonplant2006 published a game 158 days ago
A downloadable game.
-DIE AT NOON- Play as an angry cowboy fighting hordes of even angrier cowboys! CONTROLS: WASD - Movement R - Reload SHIFT - Sprint CTRL - Crouch SHIFT + CTRL - Slide SPACE BAR - Jump ALT - Look to sides LEFT MOUSE BUTTON - Shoot
A downloadable game for Windows.
1 new image
A browser game made in HTML5.
Updated page content.
5 new images
1 new upload: Play in browser
OriginalStone8 published a game 158 days ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
This game was made for "GoedWare Game Jam #12" with the theme "Strange power ups". ABOUT THE GAME: You thought that escaping reality would solve you'r problems, but you were wrong, it just caused more. You got stuck in an un-known universe...
Code Monkey Max updated a Jam Game 157 days ago
A browser Jam Game made in HTML5.
4 new images
6 new uploads:
BUGGY MESS (aka 0.0.5).zip 13 MB 13 MB 13 MB 15 MB 15 MB 15 MB
DevCrafts published a game 159 days ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
longfall1 updated a game 159 days ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
Set genre to Action. Set type to HTML5.
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