Hey ! Welcome to the first GrapeFruit Gamejam 2019,
a game jam where you'll be challenged to create a game in 48h following a theme
(which would be announced at the start of the jam.)
"Level design out of context" & "Ui is meta"
Who can participate ? :
Everybody is welcome, beginners to expert, 10 years old to elders, there are no restrictions.
Do I need to have a team ? :
You can do it alone, or in a group of 4 or less. If you do the jam in group, you'll be rated a little bit harder, because it's easier.
What kind of things can I make my game in ?
Pretty much everything, Unity, OpenGl, html5, Flash, anything you can make a videogame out of. You just need to make it playable by the majority of people.
Can I use premade code or art ?
Everything should be done in the jam. Code, art, sound... you'll need to do everything by yourself ( you can still watch tutorials of course)Anything prohibided ?
No extreme gore, or any apologia of racisim, homophobia or any hate messages. Let's be kind and nice.
Last words ?
You'll have1h30 of extra to build, bug test and publish your game,
Be sure that the theme is going to be inexpected and original,
the goal of this jam is for people to try things they never did,
Experiment !!
Join the Discord https://discord.gg/rR3fnsA ! We will help you if you need.