This jam is for all the graphic designers out there who don’t have the opportunity to participate in big competitions. Any skill levels are welcome! There is no theme—create whatever you fancy! ✨
Q. How many designs can I submit?
A. As many as you want as long as they are all created within the timeframe of the jam and are on their own pages.
Q. Can I work with someone else?
A. Of course!
Q. Can I make my design have text in another language? Do I need a translation?
A. Yes, and a translation is suggested but not necessary.
Q. Are there prizes?
A. This jam does not currently give out prizes (subject to change).
Q. I have a question…
A. Feel free to ask in the community section!
1. Poster Ideas: This could be anything from LOST DOG to an ad for a company that catches and removes spiders from peoples’ houses.
2. Brochure Ideas: This could be a travel brochure for New Zealand or a welcome brochure to a company that specializes in dinosaur training.
3. Zine Ideas: This could be a booklet on how to survive the apocalypse or a scrapbook of memories.
4. Book cover Ideas: This can be as simple as text on color; as mysterious as blacked out words on an old newspaper; or as striking as the face of a lady with blood dripping from her eyes.
5. Logo Ideas: You could design a logo for your own sports team, a fictional brand, or just a cool glyph.
6. Labels & Box Cover Ideas: This could be an original design for a cereal box or a label for a new brand of spaghetti.
7. Banner Ideas: This could be anything from WELCOME HOME, MR. MAESTRO to OPEN NOW! You could also do a social media banner style, like what you’d see on YouTube.
8. Presentation Ideas: This could anything from “Crisis Points: Major Events in Human History” to something as silly as “How My Dog Walks Me.” Slideshows, PDF presentations, and animations are all welcome.
9. Website GUI Ideas: A shop layout, a homepage, a blog. GUI stands for graphical user interface.
10. Sticker Ideas: How about a cat and mouse, but they’re hugging? Or a frog on a lily pad drinking boba?
11. Apparel & Bag Ideas: A fake tear in the shirt with a hand bursting out! A red herring with a text bubble saying, “This is the answer.” A hand-drawn map of the world on a circular tote!
12. Any other idea that incorporates graphic design!
Voting will take place on April 5, 2025 and will end on June 5, 2025. Voting categories are as follows.
Ingenuity - How original or clever is it?
Color Scheme - How well do the colors work together?
Attractiveness - Does the design draw people in? Do they like looking at it?
Ranking will consist of a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place for each of the voting categories.