Submissions open from 2024-09-11 12:01:22 to 2024-09-22 12:01:35
Submissions due in

🍂 Fall Gorilla Tag Game Jam – Requirements 🍂

Here’s what you need to keep in mind for your submission:

  1. Theme Integration:
    • Your game must embrace the fall theme in a creative way! 🍁 Whether it’s cozy autumn landscapes, spooky Halloween settings, or something else fall-inspired, make sure the vibe is strong!
  2. Movement-Based Gameplay:
    • Like Gorilla Tag, the game should focus on player movement as the main mechanic—no teleportation or joystick walking. Players should use their hands, arms, and physical motion to move around.
  3. VR Compatible:
    • Your game must be playable in virtual reality (VR), supporting headsets like Meta Quest, or other android running devices. Make sure it’s optimized for a smooth, fun VR experience!
  4. Multiplayer Optional (but encouraged!):
    • While multiplayer isn’t required, it’s highly encouraged. Think of ways to get players interacting—whether it’s tagging, racing, or battling it out in a fall-themed arena!
  5. Platform:
    • Your game must run on  META QUEST, PC VR builds are welcome, but make sure they work smoothly!
  6. Unique Mechanics or Features:
    • Add a unique twist to your game that sets it apart! Whether it's collecting pumpkins, navigating leaf-filled mazes, or dodging spooky ghosts, make it exciting and distinct.
  7. Playable Prototype:
    • Submissions don’t need to be fully polished, but your game should be a playable prototype with clear mechanics and objectives that showcase the core idea.
  8. Submission Format:
    • Submit a downloadable build (no source code required) or provide a link to your game’s platform. Make sure it’s easy to run without needing extra software or setups.
  9. Assets & Copyrights:
    • Use original or properly licensed assets (models, sounds, textures). No ripping content from other games! Credit all third-party assets you didn’t create.
  10. Duration:
    • The jam will run for 9 DAYS, so make sure your project is completed and submitted by the deadline!
  11. Judging Criteria:
    • Creativity and Originality
    • Fun Factor & Engagement
    • Fall Theme Integration
    • VR Usability & Movement Mechanics

That’s it! Build something fun, wild, and fall-tastic! 🍂🎃 Good luck!