This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-07-04 01:12:26 to 2025-01-01 03:00:00. View 8 entries


this jam is exactly what you think it is. because who doesn't love a good hatefuck? and honestly, we need more of it. so why not join me in gracing itch with more hatefucking! (because what better theme to host my first jam for.)

you're free to create something in any form(s) that you'd like, be it a visual novel, text-based interactive fiction, a tabletop game, a zine, a comic, whatever you want!

all that's required is an entry that includes a hatefuck. or multiple. whatever strikes your fancy.


  • your work must include hatefucking. it's literally the theme, it's the bare minimum you need to include lest your game be evaporated from its fellow entries. but how you interpret and include this theme is up to you! you can make it a dark drama, a silly comedy, whatever you want.
  • it is not a mandatory inclusion, but content featuring queer, BIPOC, and disabled stories and characters are especially encouraged!
  • you're allowed to work on your entry at any time, in any capacity, from the time you find this jam until it ends. there is no hard start date, so please work on it at your own pace. 
  • there are no prizes for winners, as there is no official judging of any form involved in this jam. there's no expectation other than to create something hatefuck-y for the sake of it.
  • you are allowed  (and expected, by way of theme) to include NSFW content in your entry. please tag it appropriately as such, and provide necessary content and trigger warnings for any content that may require it. if you choose to portray BDSM and other forms of kink or kink-adjacent content in your entry, please do so responsibly. 
  • any entries that promote bigotry or any other form of prejudiced attitudes, behaviours, and perspectives* will be removed and respective creators will be blacklisted from joining future jams of mine. irregardless of this jam's theme, true bigoted hatred is absolutely NOT tolerated here.
  • feel free to cross-submit your entry/ies into any other jams that your work applies to! and there are no limits on how many entries you can submit to this jam. 
  • i generally don't care where your hatefucking goes as long as it isn't authentically hateful towards real-life persons of any kind or otherwise intentionally harmful. you can include dark/disturbing subject matter and themes, just tag it and be responsible. harm reduction costs little but can pay off immensely! if unsure about anything, reach out to me. 

* for clarification on my rule regarding "hateful" content: what i DON'T want to see is anything that makes itself clear as a fantasy for legitimately hating any group or individual persons. (this discretion is up to my personal judgement.) what i DO want to see are stories that explore hatefucking of some sort with sincerity and integrity. for example, you may want to write a story about a closeted person with internalized queer-based strife hatefucking with a queer person. i don't want this to be portrayed as some erotic power play fantasy for the sake of imagining genuine harm to any persons. (there's a difference between kinky power play fantasies and legitimately hateful ones.) i would want to see this dynamic/perspective properly fleshed out, portrayed in its complexities, and at the very least tagged as potentially harmful content so the audience can make their own informed decision on what they consume. entries suspected of breaching this rule will be removed and creators will be blacklisted. there is ZERO tolerance here for that kind of bigoted shit.

please be responsible with the things you publish, take care of yourselves, and have fun. let's make some good stuff!

and please feel free to contact me directly with any further questions/comments/concerns- i can be found @snixiy on twitter and tumblr.


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it takes skill to master the hatefuck
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A heartbroken genius drinks at an infamous club
Interactive Fiction
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What if it was all just a dream?
Interactive Fiction
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yuri mecha hatefuck story
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At the funeral, the end of an affair
Visual Novel
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Post war city controlled by a repressive state.
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Two office workers at odds clash in a heated moment that changes everything.
Interactive Fiction
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