This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-02-05 23:00:00 to 2023-02-12 23:00:00. View results

This Year’s Theme is…

Again and Again

over and over again; constantly

Create a game where a primary theme is repetition. You can interpret the theme in anyway you want! Good luck :)

Haxey Holidays! HaxeJam is an one-week long community-ran game jam centered around the lovely Haxe programming language. This is the fourth event and the first one of the year!

Haxe is a fantastic programming language with a small, but enthusiastic game development community. If you have used languages like ActionScript, Javascript, Java, and C++ you will feel right at home!


Q: Will there be a theme?

A theme will be announced at the start of the jam. You may interpret the theme in whatever way you want. For the winter jam, we encourage you to add winter elements to your entry but this is not required!

Q: Can I work in a team?

Yes, we suggest you choose them before the jam.

Q: Where can I talk about the jam?

There is a "Jam Time" category in the Haxe Discord Server. Alternatively, the community tab on is open.

Q: Can I use the HaxeJam logo in my project?

Sure! We have a GitHub repository containing all of the assets used for the jam. Please make sure that you follow the guidelines of the license.


  1. The game must be written in the Haxe programming language. All game play code should be written in Haxe.
  2. The game should in some way interpret the theme. if you do something out of the box please tell us how it interprets it!
  3.  As this is a programming language themed event, please make your work open source under an OSI-approved license. We can help you do that on the discord if you are unsure on how to do that.
  4. Not Safe for Work (NSFW) content is not allowed under any circumstance.
  5. Teams are allowed, we suggest you choose them before the jam. We have a channel on the Discord if you wish to look for a teammate.
  6. Reusing assets and code is fine to an extent. The entire game should not be a reskin of a preexisting title nor should it "mod" one.
  7. You must have legal permission to use the assets and to put them under an open source license.
  8. The game must be on the web platform, other platforms can be exported additionally. Thankfully Haxe directly compiles to JavaScript which makes this very easy.
  9. Bigotry (Racism, Homophobia, Misogyny, etc) is not allowed. If you need to question yourself then it is against the rules.


Each game will be voted on by the community, anyone can vote. The games will be judged by the following criteria.

  • Theme: Does the game/story fit the chosen theme?
  • Fun: Does the game bring you joy?
  • Graphics: Does the game look good or unique?
  • Originality: Does the game have unique mechanics or design?
  • Replayablity: Would you play the game again?

Game Frameworks/Game Engines

If you have no experience with Haxe, we heavily recommend the HaxeFlixel game engine.  You can use any engine (or none at all) you wish as long as your code is written in the Haxe language. A list of the most popular options are below.

  • HaxeFlixel:  Cross-platform 2D game engine powered by Haxe and OpenFL
  • OpenFL: A rendering library based on the Flash API
  • Heaps: The game engine created by the same person who made Haxe
  • Ceramic: A powerful and modern 2d framework
  • Kha:  Ultra-portable, high performance, open source multimedia framework
  • Armory: A 3D engine built on top of Kha with Blender Integration

This game jam is a community-ran event and is not ran by the Haxe Foundation

I would like to thank Renchu for creating the HaxeJam logo. They did a fantastic job!

    Image with a link to the Haxe Discord Server


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2D action game about moving from one screen to the other. Haxe Winter Game Jam 2023 Entry.
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Live to clean another day!
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A game where you collect snowballs, over and over again.
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Repetitive Napoleonic Warfare Sim
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A game about jumping on corpses
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A game where you must collect crystals across alternate timelines.
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​Help Apollon in his daily duty.
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How many days can you a stinky cave?
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The slimy platformer
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Explore the endless dungeons of Quaashangma.
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a short ddr + memory type game for winter haxejam 2023
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Arcade for Haxe Jam 2023
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Keep collects coins and trade with speed !
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