This jam is now over. It ran from 2018-08-06 11:00:00 to 2018-08-31 11:00:00. View results

Welcome to the Heroic Monsters Game Jam.  Simply put, contestants will have three weeks to make a game where the main character is not only a monster, but also a hero.  This contest will have prizes, that include game keys and RPG Maker 2000, 2003, and VX software keys, and RPG Maker VX Ace DLC keys.  Submitters and Contributors will be voting to determine placements.  The total number of prizes available and awarded will be determined by number of submissions.


1.  The game must be 2D. 

2.  There are to be no blood nor gory images.

3.  Profanity is not allowed.

4.  Games must be made during three week jam period. 

5.  Keep the ESRB rating at 'T' or below.

6.  Game must be playable in Browser or Windows downloadable.  Other deployments are optional.  

7.  Maximum of two contributions per submitter.

Judging Criteria:

1, Enjoyment (Primary)

2. Creativity

3. Instructions (Were the game controls and game play explained and easy to follow?)


First - A Monster's Heart (RPG Maker 2003)


Grim Fandango Remastered 

Loot Rascals 

Tumble Seed 

RPG Maker 2000 

RPG Maker 2003 

RPG Maker VX 

RPG Maker VX Ace: Tyler Warren RTP Redesign 1


All submissions
Windows (3)

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A story about a monster and his pornventures.
Interactive Fiction
A Short Monsterific Adventure
The monsters' triumph over mankind.